Abstract: ZigBee is a wireless personal area networks  standard,  applied in  the case of low  power demand, such as wireless sensor and control networks。 Because nodes may be arranged in a place inaccessible, requiring high energy efficiency, maximize networks lifetime and reduce maintenance costs。 To improve the life of a simple and direct solution is to turn off all unnecessary nodes, for example, when the node spatial density is greater than testing needed to be shut down  unnecessary nodes。 We envision a new ZigBee wireless interactive networks, the remote sensor nodes can be selectively turned off。 Rather, the wireless control is based on radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to implement a ZigBee / RFID hybrid structure。 In other words, we consider the two logical overlay networks, RFID, and ZIGBEE networks。 RFID networks, through a power-down algorithm for ZigBee node on or off the networks。 This algorithm is known as deep sleep algorithm to balance the residual energy of each ZigBee node。 In fact, RFID controller (ie, reader) loop switch ZigBee low residual energy nodes。 By building the proposed control ZIGBEE RFID technology, we focus on observations of the need to achieve minimum space density。 This is for practical interest, such as    a distributed control application, one of the nodes need to use the same means of monitoring the area as large as possible。 In this case, we introduced a virtual monitor space for the regional grid, and each node in the networks application of deep sleep algorithm, requiring at the same time at most one node is working。 We used Opnet  networks simulation based on the proposed ZigBee-RFID hybrid networks analysis。 85022


Wireless sensor networks is  an interesting research topic, not only in the military field, and also in civilian areas。 Especially in remote / environmental monitoring, monitoring of protected areas, are important for wireless sensor networks technology applications。 These applications often require low energy consumption and low cost。

ZigBee Alliance proposed a new wireless networksing standard, which has a low transmission rate and high energy efficiency。 Wireless sensor networkss (WSNS) one of the most interesting research direction is to design energy-efficient networks structure。 Different methods of analysis and possible optimization strategies to reduce power consumption IEEE802。15。4 networks。 On the other hand, radio frequency identification (RFID) devices, including industry and also by the scientific community more and more attention。 In particular, they can be used in airport baggage identification, hospital identification of biological material, mail monitoring of packaging, animal tracking and supply    chain

items efficient monitoring。  RFID technology is a hot area of the latest computing, the general integration of different technologies such as RFID devices and WSNS。 In the article, the authors proposed and evaluated three different systems architecture for combined systems WSNS and RFID technology。

We first introduce a ZigBee and RFID integrated networks of logic programs, to maximize the networks nodes in the previous battery life。 Then, we analyze the integrated networks of energy-consuming aspects of the performance, consider a simple algorithm for the depth of sleep, so once the battery  power of nodes below a threshold periodically closed。 This is the networks self-adaptation in the networks adjustment。 Finally, to monitoring networks surface consistency, we have introduced a virtual space grid and each  node in the grid using cell sleeping algorithm。

The following articles or structures。  In the second chapter will briefly introduce the ZigBee standard, but in the third chapter, we describe the RFID technology。 In section 4。1, we presented our model based on selective wake-up concept。 In Section 4。2, ZigBee and RFID integration proposed Opnet networks simulation structure。 In Section 4。3, considering the depth algorithm, proposed in Section 4。4 the concept of virtual space grid。 In the fifth chapter of the ZigBee-RFID hybrid networks performance。 Finally, in Chapter VI contains a summary。

















