
We have designed an integrated solution for ZigBee and RFID networks to achieve energy-efficient networks, which allows to selectively turn on and off the networks nodes。 Therefore, we designed a deep sleep algorithm for selection in accordance with the residual energy of nodes active nodes, thereby balancing the energy consumption of nodes in the networks。 Finally, we introduced a process to select which activate the  integrated node, not only through their remaining energy and through their spatial location。 This choice is based on the virtual plane in the networks space grid algorithm is presented and the practical application of deep sleep。 In the absence of a virtual grid configuration, we have been through the Opnet simulator performance assessment of the average residual energy, as Nmin, Es functions。 Stressed the ZigBee-RFID hybrid networks energy savings guarantee。 Configuration  of the virtual space in the case of the grid, on the contrary, we analyzed the region to effectively monitor the sensor networks and energy consumption。 In this case, the virtual space grid not only provides the same coverage,  and

can prolong the life of the networks。 This solution should be used for local stations spatial density are related。 Can create significant energy efficiency of its wireless sensor networkss。 Based on this networks has the ability to address all passive devices。


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