    abstractEnsuring the effective thermal insulation in regions, where the cooling requirement of building with
    respect to heating requirement is dominant, is very important from the aspect of energy economy. In this
    study, the influence of thermal insulation on the building cooling load and the cooling system in case of
    air-conditioning by an all-air central air-conditioning system was evaluated for a sample building located
    in Adana, based on the results of three different types of insulation (A, B and C-type buildings) according
    to the energy efficiency index defined in the Thermal Insulation Regulation used in Turkey. The operating
    costs of the air-conditioning system were calculated using cooling bin numbers. Life-cycle cost analysis
    was carried out utilizing the present-worth cost method. Results showed that both the initial and the
    operating costs of the air-conditioning system were reduced considerably for all three insulation thick-
    nesses. However, the optimum results in view of economic measurements were obtained for a C-type
    building. The thickness of thermal insulation for the buildings in the southern Turkey should be deter-
    mined according to the guidelines for a C-type building.5062
    Crown Copyright  2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1. Introduction
    Air-conditioning system (ACS) is responsible for a significant
    part of total energy consumption in building. Capacity of ACS is
    determined according to total cooling load of building. Building
    cooling loads consist of heat gains through opaque external sur-
    faces and fenestration areas of the building and internal heat gains.
    Architectural and physical properties of building, such as thermal
    mass, structural material and its shape, are the most important
    parameters, which influence the space-cooling load. Another
    parameter is local climate. As reported in literature, different effec-
    tive techniques such as free cooling, natural ventilation, thermal
    mass and night cooling can used in order to reduce the cooling
    load. Therefore, a significant energy saving (more than 50% as com-
    pared to an existing building) can be achieved [1–7]. On the other
    hand, thermal insulation is applied for reducing of heat loss or/and
    gain in buildings through the envelope. Yearly building cooling
    load and the peak cooling demand of building can be reduced sig-
    nificantly in the thermally insulated buildings located in hot dry
    and hot humid regions [7–13]. Therefore, reducing energy use for
    space cooling in buildings is a key measure to energy conservation
    and environmental protection. The main objective of this study is
    to reveal the influence of the building thermal insulation on theannual energy consumption of the cooling system in hot and hu-
    mid regions, especially in the southern Turkey.
    2. Application of thermal insulation in building
    In Turkey, the thickness of thermal insulation material that
    should be applied to buildings is determined according to Turkish
    Standard 825 (TS 825) ‘‘thermal insulation in building” [14].TS
    825 is an application of ‘‘ISO 9164-Thermal insulation calculation
    of space heating requirements for residential buildings” in every
    respect and basically similar to EN 832-Thermal performance of
    buildings calculation of energy use for heating residential buildings.
    It is adapted to climatic conditions of Turkey [14,15]. In TS 825, the
    thickness of thermal insulationmaterial can be determined accord-
    ing to the annual requirement of heating energy of the building
    which based on heat losses calculation. Turkey is classified into four
    climatic zones considering only heating energy requirement by
    using degree-day concept in TS 825. However, in the standard, cool-
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