
    The  concurrent  pattern  differs ultimately  from the serial pattern (see Fig.  1). With regard  to  serial pattern,  the designers mostly consider  the structure and function  of  die  and mould,  yet  hardly  consider the consequent process,  so  that the former mistakes are easily  spread backwards.  Meanwhile,  the design department  rarely communicates  with  the  assemb- ling,  cost accounting and sales  departments.  These with  purchasers.  This is propitious  to elimination of the conflicts  between  departments,  increase the effi- ciency  and reduce  the cost. Heat  treatment  process in  the  concurrent  cir- cumstance  is made out not after blueprint and work- piece  taken  but  during  die  and mould designing.  In this way,  it  is favorable to optimizing  the heat  treat- ment  process and making full use  of  the potential  of problems certainly  will  influence  the  development  the materials. 2  Integration  of  Heat  Treatment CAD/CAE for Die and Mould It  can  be seen from  Fig.  2  that the  process de- sign and simulation of  heat  treatment are the core of integration  frame.  After  information input via prod- uct design module and heat  treatment process gener- ated  via  heat  treatment CAD  and heat  treatment CAE module will  automatically pide  the mesh for parts  drawing,  simulation  temperature  field micro- structure  analysis  after heat-treatment  and  the  de- fect of  possible  emerging  (such  as  overheat,  over- burning),  and  then  the  heat treatment  process  is judged  if  the  optimization  is  made  according  to the result  reappeared by  stereoscopic vision technology. Moreover tool  and  clamping  apparatus CAD  and CAM are integrated into this  system. The  concurrent  engineering  based  integration frame  can  share  information  with other  branch. That  makes  for  optimizing  the  heat  treatment process and ensuring  the process  sound. 2. 1  3-D  model and  stereoscopic  vision  technology for heat  treatment The  problems about materials,  structure  and size  for die and mould  can be discovered as soon as possible  by  3-D  model  for heat  treatment  based  on the shape of  die and mould.  Modeling heating condi- tion  and phase  transformation condition  for  die  and mould  during heat  treatment are workable,  because it  has  been  broken  through  for  the  calculation  of phase transformation thermodynamics, phase  trans- formation  kinetics, phase  stress,  thermal  stress, heat  transfer,  hydrokinetics etc.  For  example,  3-D heat-conducting  algorithm models for equiflux/local heating  complicated  impression  and  asymmetric  die and mould,  and MARC software models for micro- structure  transformation  was  used.  Computer  can present  the  informations  of  temperature,  micro- structure and  stress at arbitrary time and display  the entire transformation procedure  in  the  form  of  3-D by  coupling  temperature  field,  microstructure  field and stress field.  If  the property can be coupled, various partial properties can be predicted by computer. 2. 2 Due  to the  special  requests for  strength,  hard- ness,  surface  roughness  and distortion  during  heat treatment for  die  and mould,  the  parameters  inclu- ding quenching medium  type,  quenching  tempera- ture and tempering  temperature  and  time, must  be properly  selected,  and whether  using  surface quenching or chemical heat treatment the parameters must be  rightly determined.  It  is  difficult  to deter- Heat  treatment process design mine  the parameters by  computer fully. Since  com- puter  technology develops quickly in recent decades, the difficulty with large-scale calculation  has been o- vercome.  By  simulating and weighing  the property, the  cost and  the  required  period  after  heat treat- ment,  it  is  not  difficult  to  optimize  the  heat  treat- ment process. 2.3  Data base  for heat treatment A  heat treatment  database  is described in Fig. 3. 
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