
    Stress versus strain curve for ABS.Fig. 23. Stress versus load increment curve for ABS.4. ConclusionsThe mould designed has made it possible to produce highquality warpage testing specimen to determine parametersthat affect warpage. The testing specimen was produced atlow cost and involves only little finishing that is de-gating.The thermal analysis of plastic injection mould has pro-vided an understanding of the effect of thermal residual stresson deformed shape of the specimen and the tensile stress anal-ysis of product managed to predict the tensile load that thewarpage testing specimen can withstand before experiencingfailure.AcknowledgementThe authors wish to thank the Faculty of Engineering,Universiti PutraMalaysia for initiating the publication of thispaper.References[1] R.J. Crawford, Rubber and Plastic Engineering Design and Applica-tion, Applied Publisher Ltd., 1987, p. 110.[2] B.H. Min, A study on quality monitoring of injection-molded parts,J. Mater. Process. Technol. 136 (2002) 1.[3] K.F. Pun, I.K. Hui, W.G. Lewis, H.C.W. Lau, A multiple-criteria envi-ronmental impact assessment for the plastic injection molding process:a methodology, J. Cleaner Prod. 11 (2002) 41.[4] A.T. Bozdana, ¨ O. Eyerc´ ıo˘ glu, Development of an Expert System forthe Determination of Injection Moulding Parameters of ThermoplasticMaterials: EX-PIMM, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 128 (2002) 113.[5] M.R. Cutkosky, J.M. Tenenbaum, CAD/CAM Integration ThroughConcurrent Process and Product Design, Longman. Eng. Ltd., 1987,p. 83.[6] G. Menges, P. Mohren, How to Make Injection Molds, second ed.,Hanser Publishers, New York, 1993, p 129.[7] K.H. Huebner, E.A. Thornton, T.G. Byrom, The Finite ElementMethod for Engineers, fourth ed., Wisley, 2001, p. 1.[8] X. Chen, Y.C. Lam, D.Q. Li, Analysis of thermal residual stressin plastic injection molding, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 101 (1999)275.
    关键词:注塑模具 设计 热分析
    1. 引言
    法生[ 1 ]。 众所周知注塑成型加工是以较低的成本生产各种形状复杂的几何体产
    品 [ 2 ]。注塑成型加工是一个循环过程。在注塑过程中有四个重要的阶段。这四个阶段是加料阶段、保压阶段、冷却阶段和顶出顶出。塑料注塑成型加工首先是往注射机料斗中添加树脂和适当的添加剂,并加热塑料注射机的料斗到喷嘴部分[ 3 ]。在注射温度下模具型腔充满热聚合物熔体,在模具型腔填满后的保压阶段,更高压力下更多的聚合物熔体装入型腔,以补偿前期聚合物凝固引起的收缩。接下来是模具的冷却阶段,塑件在排出前被冷却到足够的强度。最后一步是顶出阶段,模具开模同时顶出塑件, 然后模具再次合上并开始下一个周期。事实证明设计和制造理想性能的高分子注塑成型零件是一个昂贵的工程,包括反复修改加工,在模具设计任务中
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