    AbstractThe milling stability is one of the important evaluation criterions of dynamic characteristics of machine tools, and it is ofgreat importance for machine tools’ design and manufacturing. The milling stability of machine tools generally varies withthe position combinations of moving parts. The traditional milling stability analysis of machine tools is based on somespecific positions in the whole workspace of machine tools, and the results are not comprehensive. Furthermore, it isvery time-consuming for operation and calculation to complete analysis of multiple positions. A new method to rapidlyevaluate the stability of machine tools with position dependence is developed in this article. In this method, the key posi-tion combinations of moving parts are set as the samples of calculation to calculate the dynamic characteristics ofmachine tools with SAMCEF finite element simulation analysis software. Then the minimum critical axial cutting depth ofeach sample is obtained. The relationship between the position and the value of minimum critical axial cutting depth atany position in the whole workspace can be obtained through established response surface model. The precision of theresponse surface model is evaluated and the model could be used to rapidly evaluate the milling stability of machine toolswith position dependence. With a precision horizontal machining center with box-in-box structure as an example, thevalue of minimum critical axial cutting depth at any position is shown. This method of rapid evaluation of machine toolswith position-dependent stability avoids complicated theoretical calculation, so it can be easily adopted by engineers andtechnicians in the phase of design process of machine tools.40900
    KeywordsMachine tools, box-in-box structure, milling stability, response surface model, stability lobes’ diagramDate received: 12 October 2015; accepted: 12 February 2016Academic Editor: Anand ThiteIntroductionThe milling stability of machine tools has a great influ-ence on the machining accuracy1and the milling stabi-lity analysis of machine tools has always been a hottopic about the optimization of processing technologyand machine tools’ structure.
    If the machine tool isdesigned for cutting light alloys, the stability is domi-nated mainly by the modal parameters of the tool–workpiece system, whereas if the machine tool will beused for cutting hard materials or common steels, thestability of the process is dominated mainly by themodal parameters of the machine tool structure.2Therefore, researchers who study the milling stability1Key Laboratory of Mechanism Theory and Equipment Design, Ministryof Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China2Beijing Precision Machinery & Engineering Research Co., Ltd, Beijing,ChinaCorresponding author:Weiguo Gao, Key Laboratory of Mechanism Theory and EquipmentDesign, Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300355, China.of machine tools mainly focus on the dynamic charac-teristics of machine tools’ structure.For the past decades, the researches on the millingstability of machine tools are based on one specificposition in machine work volume.3Recently, more andmore researchers started to research the milling stabilityof machine tools based on multi-position. One of themost typical methods is presented by Law et al.4Thework has acquired the influences of the milling stabilityand several specific position combinations of movingparts such as the spindle box are, respectively, stayedon the top, middle, and bottom of the column when theplane workspace combined by the worktable and slid-ing carriage component is maximal. Subsequently,Zulaika et al.2present a method of lightweight designof machine tools with position-dependent milling stabi-lity. Luo et al.5establish the finite element theoreticalmodel of 3-RPS (R and S represent a revolute andspherical joint, and P stands for an active prismaticjoint, respectively) parallel kinematic machine toolsbased on modal reduction method and obtain dynamiccharacteristics of machine in the whole workspace.However, the milling stability of several specific posi-tions cannot reflect the dynamic characteristics ofmachine tools in the whole workspace, but it is verytime-consuming to complete the multi-position analysis.Some researchers use the substructure analysis method6and simulation model reuse method7to solve the prob-lem of time-consuming, but the effect is ambiguous anddifficult to be used by engineers and technicians.Methodology
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