
    2. Material properties of components.Name of components Elasticitymodulus (GPa)Poisson’sratioDensity(kg/m3)ColumnBedSliding carriageSpindle box173 0.3 7300Sliding tableWork tableScrew 219 0.3 7850Nut 213 0.28 7850Guide and slider 219 0.3 7850Table 3. Stiffness values of interfaces.Name of interfaces Stiffness (X-direction) (N/mm) Stiffness (Y -direction) (N/mm) Stiffness (Z-direction) (N/mm)Guide–slider (X-direction) 0 1.3131061.623106Guide–slider (Y -direction) 1.7231060 2.413106Guide–slider (Z-direction) 1.3131063.4231060Screw–nut (X-direction) 1.263106––Screw–nut (Y -direction) – 1.263106–Screw–nut (Z-direction) – – 1.263106 Box–Behnken model; the central points of space andedges are the experimental design points. Table 5 is theorthogonal test table of three levels and three factorsbased on Box–Behnken method.X, which is the design variables’ matrix composed bydesign samples, and F, which is the matrix of the mini-mum critical values of the axial cutting depth, can beexpressed asX=0:50:50:50:25 0:25 0:25 0:25 0:250:50:50:50:25 0:25 0:25 0:25 0:2510:50 0 0 1 0:25 00:50:50:50:25 0:25 0:25 0:25 0:2500:51 0 0:500:25 1010:50 0:50 10:250:50:50:50:25 0:25 0:25 0:25 0:2500:50 0 0 0 0:25 0110:50:50:51 10:250:51 0 0 0 0:25 1 0100:50:50 1 00:250:50 0 0 0 0:25 0 00:50:50:50:25 0:25 0:25 0:25 0:250:50 1 0:500:25 0 10:51 1 0:510:25 1 1000:50 0 0 00:2510:51 1 0:510:25 126 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 437 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5, F=5:085:085:125:085:15:285:085:15:34:664:544:545:084:555:284:535:1226 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 437 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5According to equation (13), the weight coefficientmatrix K can be obtained as follows:K=½ 2:36 0:32 1:10:01 4:61 2:37  3:04  2:25 ;the constant term is 5.12.Therefore, writing to the form of equation (8), thefunctional expression of response surface model with therelationship between the position and the value of mini-mum critical axial cutting depth can be expressed asap lim(min )(x, y, z)=f (x, y, z)=5:12   2:36x+0:32y+1:1z+0:01xz+4:61yz+2:37x2  3:04y2  2:25z2ð14ÞThe quality verification equation is expressed asR2=1  P mi=1(fi   f0i)2P mi=1(fi   f00i)2ð15Þwhere m is the number of the samples, f0iis the value ofresponse surface calculation, fi is the value of finite ele-ment calculation, and f00iis the average value of finiteelement calculation. R2!1 indicates high fitting accu-racy. The values calculated on six non-specific positionsare used to verify the fitting precision of the establishedresponse surface model. In this model, R2=0.7405.The accuracy of established response surface model ishigh enough for application (see Table 6).Evaluation of machine tool with position-dependentmilling stabilityFigure 9 shows the minimum critical values of the axialcutting depth in right half workspace. It is a four-dimensional chart. The color indicates the differentminimum critical values of the axial cutting depth. Forthe machine tool with box-in-box structure, the varia-tion in the minimum critical values of the axial cuttingdepth is obvious; the variation range is from 1.8 to6mm. The obvious variation in the milling stability isnot the satisfied design for machine tools. The optimaldesign is that the milling stability is conformed at anyposition; certainly, it is hardly to be realized. Therefore,the designer had better make the variation of themilling stability stable as much as possible to reach theproductivity goals for machine tools. In other words,the structural stiffness of machine tools should be rein-forced at the position where the milling stability isweak.
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