
    parameters on the process duration.
    Start-Up Operation
    Start-up of continuous distillation usually refers to the period
    in which the column is transferred from an initial state at ambient
    conditions to a steady state operation mode.
    During start-up
    of conventional batch distillation the column is heated and stable
    hydraulics are established. Afterward, the predefined operation
    mode (reflux strategy) is applied. Thus, the start-up period is
    defined as the period before any products are withdrawn.
    Considering a multivessel batch distillation in closed operation
    mode, that is, filling of the product vessels is inherent to the
    system, start-up is defined as the period in which the temperature
    controllers are inactive. This period includes (i) heating and
    vaporizing of the feed mixture, (ii) condensing of the vapor,
    and (iii) filling of the product vessels with an (optimized) reflux
    strategy. After start-up, temperature controllers lead the process
    to steady state. The main question then is how to choose the
    reflux ratio to fill the vessels optimally in terms of process
    duration without performing time-consuming optimization stud-
    ies in advance. Two general ideas can be identified. One is to
    purify the column sump as fast as possible, while the other
    strategy is to establish reflux as soon as possible to guarantee
    separation in each column section. Due to the strong intercon-
    nections between the vessels, in particular vessels 2 and 3,
    finding the optimum strategy is not trivial, as confirmed by
    Furlonge et al.
    Following the approach used by Wittgens and
    we introduce the so-called “override” parameter
    denoted by ak to investigate the column behavior during start-实验和理论研究的启动操作的多支间歇精馏塔摘要:多支间歇蒸馏是一种很有前途的替代传统的间歇精馏。早期的研究证明可行性的温度控制在一个封闭的操作模式,也就是,当没有产品除去,直到过程结束。在这篇文章中,在最初的启动期的影响回流的战略详细的研究。这是一个非常重要的任务中的自动化程序的发展方面工业实现。被分成三个主要部分的工作。首先,实行严格的动态模型引入描述在启动过程中的行为的多支间歇蒸馏。然后,进行了两个实验,满分在实验室规模上栏被选择来验证该模型。最后,敏感性分析观察组成的响应,同时改变回流的策略。结果表明,该工艺可以改善通过施加高的回流比和尽快建立液压。
    多支间歇精馏的主题数在过去的二十年【1-4】的主要目的是证明了其可行性的过程,并探讨不同的过程控制策略。温度控制【2】是特别有利的,因为最终产品的组合物,是独立的进料组合物。部分的温度可以很容易地使用作为一个控制变量。设定点被设置为要被分离在塔部的两个关键部件的沸点温度的算术平均值。 除了言论上的替代过程的控制策略,他们【4】也谈到了初创时期,根据实验经验。研究人员建议,在启动过程中使用的是“覆盖”,以保证回流的可行性;例如,应避免设置L3≥ L2≥ L1在这种特定的情况下体积的基础上,再沸器排空。弗朗等【6】进行了动态优化的多支批次蒸馏塔的研究,但得出的结论是没有列在最佳状态下运行的一般准则可以。作者建议进行优化研究,为每个新的情况下,这很显然,非常耗时。葛瑞斯曼和格奥尔【7】分析在中间储罐的间歇蒸馏的优化潜力通过改变温度控制被激活之前的回流策略。作者指出,早期的操作可以减少过程的持续时间。因此,仔细看看在初创时期的多支批次蒸馏塔和结论更一般的话是合乎逻辑的。因此,本文在以前的工作之上给出了一个合理的延伸。
  1. 上一篇:超高层建筑结构的横向风荷载效应英文文献和翻译
  2. 下一篇:高速冲击下无网格模拟英文文献和翻译
  1. 大容量精馏塔塔盘英文文献和中文翻译

  2. 精馏塔英文参考文献和翻译

  3. 高警觉工作人群的元情绪...

  4. 中国传统元素在游戏角色...

  5. C++最短路径算法研究和程序设计

  6. 现代简约美式风格在室内家装中的运用

  7. 浅析中国古代宗法制度

  8. NFC协议物理层的软件实现+文献综述

  9. 江苏省某高中学生体质现状的调查研究

  10. g-C3N4光催化剂的制备和光催化性能研究

  11. 巴金《激流三部曲》高觉新的悲剧命运

  12. 上市公司股权结构对经营绩效的影响研究




