
    After completion of all work for themodelling of the 3D layout, the idea of integrating thefunctionalities necessary for the material-flow simula-tion into the VR model was considered. The modelwas adapted correspondingly during the following 4months. For instance, all machines were provided withprograms, which allowed a parameterization ofperturbation functions and the associated distributionsby means of input masks, as is the case withcommercially available material-flow simulators.Moreover, an additional function, which allows forintervention in the distribution of the versions to beproduced was included; by means of this function, thebehaviour of the system under modified boundaryconditions can be analyzed. Provision was also madefor free parameterization of the buffer inventory. Assoon as the buffer inventory falls below a specifiedminimum, the manufacturing process is initiated forthe corresponding version of component
    3.The VR model thus constructed is designated as avirtual prototype for a process and combines thefunctions of a simulator with the possibilities of 3Dvisualization. 5.3. Conclusions resulting from the researchproject on the digital factoryOn the basis of the approach described here, andwith the virtual prototype for the process as a modelexample, important conclusions have been reachedfor the implementation of preliminary productionplants with new manufacturing technologies. Inthis manner, a possible structure for future productionby high-frequency welding has been validated as abasic concept.The results of this and similar approaches suggestthat considerable progress has already been achievedon the way toward the digital factory. However, thequestion of the cost-to-benefit ratio is still open.6.
    ConclusionsIt can be concluded that the vision and progressingrealization of the digital factory include the essentialformulation and potential solution of almost allproblems posed by future planning methods andproduction. Whoever wants to face the brutal globalcompetition must decrease the time required for therealization of products as well as production by ordersof magnitude and simultaneously improve the quality.For this purpose, the digital factory is an absoluteprerequisite.However, many considerations on the subject of thedigital factory suggest that no single company alonewill be capable of totally meeting this challenge. Forthis purpose, extensive cooperation among numerouscompanies and institutions will be necessary. Theobjective of acquiring and maintaining competitiveadvantages single-handedly entails the risk of becom-ing totally isolated, since too many company-specificsoftware solutions must be developed. The care of suchsoftware must also be specific. In the long term, the useof company-specific softwarewill decisively aggravatethe difficulties in coupling with development partners,suppliers, and service companies. As a result, onlypartial success can be expected with such an approach.In order to avoid failure with the vision of thedigital factory in the short term, an unambiguousorientation of the results is necessary. Obviousprojects and objectives must be approached directlyand successfully executed in a step-by-step manner.In all of these endeavours, attention must be focusedon the prime requirement of maintaining and ensuringthe viability of the company in the future.References[1] U. Bracht, T. Masurat, The forgotten factories, wt-online 4(2002) 154–158.[2] U. Bracht, T.Masurat, Integration of virtual reality and materialflow simulation for digital process specimen – mind games inlogistic and production for the digital factory, wt-online 4(2003) 249–253.[3] E. Schiller, W.P. Seuffert, Bis 2005 realisiert, Automobil-Pro-duktion. (2002) 20–30.[4] Spur G. Fabrikbetrieb. Mu ¨nchen: Hanser; 1994.[5] E. Westka ¨mper, S. Bierschenk, T. Kuhlmann, Digital manufac-turing – only for large scale enterprises? wt-online 1/2 (2003)22–26.Professor Uwe Bracht, born in 1949,studied mechanical engineering at Hann-over University. He is director of theInstitute for Plant Engineering and Fati-gue Analysis (Clausthal Technical Uni-versity) and founding member of theVDA research group ‘‘Computer-AidedFactory Planning’’. Since 2002 he isheading the VDI expert committee‘‘Digital Factory’’. His publication listcontains more than 50 papers dealing with the improvement offactory planning and organization processes.Thomas Masurat, born in 1967, studiedmechanical engineering at ClausthalTechnical University, focussing on pro-duction technologies. Since 2000 he isscientific assistant at the Institute forPlant Engineering and Fatigue Analysis;mainly dealing with facility planning andlogistics tasks.
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