
    4.3. Word of mouth marketing of online advertising

    In Web2.0 environment, internet users don’t exist as separate inpidual but as a group in the community who has a variety of tastes and habits. Target audiences of online advertising are in the community. Each of these communities has its own focus group to discuss the topic. There are opinion leaders and general audiences. In the community, opinion leaders and general audiences are not fixed because each one in the community can use a variety of Web2.0 application technologies to know well about the focus topic of discussion and become experts in this area. [5]

    People usually have some idols. These idols often guide behaviors of a group, which is called reference group. In Web2.0 environment, the reference group is the internet community. Enterprises give a suggestion about a topic what customers concern and discuss in the community, so that it may be mainstream opinions. 

    In addition to reference groups having a strong influence on customers, the opinion leaders also play an important role. In Web2.0 sites, “ordinary person” is usually “expert” in certain aspects. These “experts” don’t have higher education and power, but they are interested in a particular area and take more attention to it. The comments in the community are not due to economic interests, but for sense of community. These comments will affect other customers’ decision in the community. Meanwhile, these comments will also be quoted to other communities, which will result in greater effects. Therefore, enterprises must identify these opinion leaders, invite them to use products, and then encourage them to recommend product information to other customers.

    4.4. Database marketing of online advertising

    According to Dentsu’s latest research, the traditional marketing rule AIDMA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Memory-Action) is gradually replaced by the new marketing rule AISAS (Attention-Interest-Search-Action-Share). In the new marketing rule, there are two new characteristics—“Search” and “Share”. In Web2.0 era, infinitely rich information provides the possibility for eliminating information asymmetry between consumers and enterprises. But consumers face with another dilemma, which is how to search for useful information in the massive internet information.

    Advertising database is an important form of online advertising in Web2.0 era. The advertising database is not a simply collection with commercial ads, but integration and aggregation of all the business information about supply and demand.[6]Advertising database is information distribution center of the products, where the enterprises release product information, and consumers release comment information. Consumers can obtain the most valuable information by the use of specialized software. Advertisement database is also an important platform for enterprise marketing with the integration of information flow and logistics. Consumers candirectly purchase the favorite products in the advertising database.








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