    SUMMARY   In the Geomatic industries it is becoming more and more common that bigger projects are tendered internationally. There is also a high demand for extremely fast production cycles combined with quality insurance regulations. These clearly marked trends influenced by a strong globalization process show the necessity of a qualified project management with international experiences as it is known in the fields of civil engineering or of plant engineering and construction.  Therefore the theory of international project management will be described with its demands for organizational structures, education and human skills. Examples from long term international projects with integration of  all our Geomatic disciplines like Geodesy, Surveying, Photogrammetry or Cartography demonstrating the practicability and lessons learnt. 50130
    RÉSUMÉ  Dans l’industrie de la Géomatique, il est de plus en plus fréquent que les appels d’offre des grands projets soient internationaux. Il y a aussi une grande demande pour des cycles de production rapides combinés aux réglementations d’Assurance Qualité. Ces tendances clairement marquées influencées par un fort processus de mondialisation montrent la nécessité d’une gestion de projet qualifiée avec expérience internationale comme c’est le cas dans les domaines du génie civil et de la construction  La théorie de la gestion de projets internationaux sera donc décrite avec ses besoins en structure organisationnelle, en éducation et  en compétences humaines. Des exemples de projets internationaux à long terme seront montrés avec intégration de nos disciplines de Géomatique comme la Géodésie, l’Arpentage, la Photogrammétrie ou la Cartographie pour illustrer les possibilités d’exécution et les leçons apprises. 1.  INTRODUCTION  The Geomatic industry is driven more and more by new trends and demands for information like spatial data infrastructure, new economic  cadastral systems, Google Earth, homeland security, etc. And this besides the traditional demands for land survey, topographic mapping and infrastructural planning aspects. New technologies like high resolution satellites, digital airborne cameras, GNSS, sophisticated geographic information systems, etc. having strong impact to the market and leading to high expectations of their users regarding quality, efficiency and shortest delivery on request. Also the procedures to ask for geographical information services have drastically changed during the last decade. There is not only a demand for detailed description and proof of experiences in the technical documentation, also the administrative and general terms and conditions are for providers and users/clients more and more challenging.
    The procedures defined by international financing organizations like World Bank or European Community/European Investment Bank are very strict. This is not only related to the tendering process of engineering projects  but also during these projects clearly marked milestones have to be reached and a strict scheduling is demanded. All these procedures demanding a consequent and high quality project management, not only from the technical point of view, but more and more under the aspect of administrative and financial treatment. Increasing deregulation of markets, growing pressure on prices and quality, increasing transparency and comparability of products and services etc. have tightened the risk situation for enterprises. These changes  are opening 源Z自-优尔+文/论^文]网[www.youerw.com great chances but also contain a number of risks which have to be managed.  In the following, the different phases of international engineering projects are described and the emphasize is laid in the next chapters of tendering process and project realization on the complete risk management during the operations. Some examples showing the practicability and the lessons learnt out of several large multi million dollar projects.  2.  PROJECT PHASES  In general an engineering or surveying project can be separated into 3 main phases:  ƒ  Pre-project phase ƒ  Processing phase ƒ  Post-project phase.  In the pre-project phase most  of the definitions and the planning should take place. This information is necessary to prepare in the tendering process a qualified offer. It is the most critical phase of a project, because mistakes, unclear definitions or missing information are strongly influencing the processing phase, the quality of the final product and the economic result of any project. To correct planning errors during the processing phase or even in the post-project phase is technically and economically possible only with high efforts and financial investments and quite often leading to the stop of a project and a disaster for the participating parties (see fig. 1). The follow-up will take place in the post-project phase and contains the guaranty period, the internal archiving and documentation and the final project accounting and taxation auditing. Lessons learned workshops and keeping a data base with historical project data is important for future projects and training of young project managers. As the tendering process is one important step in the pre-project phase, it is described in detail in the following chapter.  3.  TENDERING PROCESS  3.1  General Procedure  In general engineering projects are tendered on a national or international base. This depends on the financing partners, the economic regulations of a country and the security aspects which are involved.  If there is an international financing organization participating with loans or grants, then its rules of tendering has to be respected. They are very often overruling the national regulations. Very common is a pre-qualification phase where interested suppliers or service companies have to prove their technical and financial  capacities. With a scheme of evaluation, the tendering party selects a list of suppliers, the so called Short List. The evaluation procedure follows the objectives of the project. Financial stability, i.e. equity, assets, etc. and the technical capabilities like experiences with similar projects, know-how of the team involved and the available system technology is of importance. After the establishment of the short list these suppliers are asked to deliver a financial  and technical offer. The technical part is a detailed concept of workflow to reach the objectives of the project. As described in the previous chapter this is the most important part of the pre-project phase. The financial part shows the prices for the different items of the work-flow and is put together in the so called bill of quantities where the unit prices and the project volume are defined.  In many countries there are still strong local regulations for the tendering process especially in the field of surveying and cartography. Criteria like local registration of the supplier for taxation reasons, the demand for local content (using local infrastructure), registration at local chambers of commerce or technique up to the proof of use of locally registered and examined experts are very common. Under  the influence of the general globalization of markets these conditions are becoming less and less in the future. More importance is laid on proven experiences in similar projects and the availability of experts with proven skills in the field of work. But this does not mean that one can avoid a local representation, i.e. via partners, establishment of branches or subsidiaries  etc., during engineering  projects in foreign countries.  A very selective procedure for  the tendering process will be  found in any project which is related to national security like defense or home-land security. All the aspects of data security and reliability of the partner are of high importance. Also the finances are following special national regulations and control.  A quite new form of the tendering procedure is established by global acting enterprises for their purchasing departments.
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