
    5.  EXAMPLES  The examples shown in the following are based on the experiences of an international consulting and surveying company called the Hansa Luftbild Group. This enterprise is working more than 40 years besides its home markets in Europe in international projects like in Central and South America, Africa, Middle East and Asia. Project management was seen from the beginning as an important part of  each international contract. Experiences and knowledge were taken over from one of the former shareholders, Klöckner Industrieanlagen GmbH, which was acting in many million dollar projects of plant design and construction world wide.  5.1  Updating Digital Line Mapping  A city in the Middle East intended to update their topographic and utility map data of approx. 100 km² which were seriously outdated. The planning section, the utility section and the land section required up-to-date geospatial data to issue their official certificates. The technical specifications clearly demanded for ground survey methods. In the tendering phase no information was given about the percentage of changes. The area was  pided in 4 zones. Figure 5 shows an example of the updated maps, the geographical situation and the field survey. An own branch was established in the city where about 50 employees were working.   After the first zone was finished the project management and the financial controlling clearly demanded for a change of the project. The topographical information was so out of date that the schedules and the budget could not be kept. Further on one of the subcontractors went into insolvency. So a complete re-engineering of the project was necessary. Together with the client a new concept under the assistance of high precision photogrammetric mapping was introduced and finally the project could be finished with only a short delay and fulfilling the clients demands. Only a strict technical, financial and risk control saved the engineering company from a financial disaster. 
    5.2  International Border Demarcation  During the last 15 years the Hansa Luftbild Group is working as a general contractor in the field of the international border demarcation. The project volumes are between 50 and 1.000 million of dollars. Minimum 10 companies have been working under the leadership of the Group. More than 500 employees were involved in the works on-site and in the engineering departments. Figure 6 is showing one of the  on-site camps and the establishment of one border point during the in-situ construction phase (see also PETRING (1998), SCHROTH/ARNOLD (2002 and 2005)).  Running such economically and politically important project makes a very clear and strong project organization necessary. In each of the involved countries subsidiaries and branches were established. The project management could only run as a team of about 10 employees (see fig. 7). The projects by themselves were organized as own companies. There were four parts of the project management team: one in the country which runs the whole coordination of finances and technique, one on-site in the area of the demarcation, one in the country of the financing client and one in the second country. The teams had to work in very close relation and with the modern  tools like web based management software, internet access, document management systems, on-line data transfer, etc.
    Otherwise such projects could not be managed in such a short period of 3 till 5 years. The project management had not only to supervise the suppliers and subcontractors, it also had to coordinate the technical developments by research institutes which were related to geodetic frame technologies and geospatial data handling for different Geographic Information Systems. Besides the scientific and the technical point of the view the close co-operation of the project management with the specially for these projects established department for accounting and finances was a must during all the project phases as described in chapter 2.   Risk management tools have been established to supervise the cash flow, the exchange rates and their hedging, to manage the performance bonds and finally the invoicing.  These were only 2 examples out of long lists of projects. Not all of them could be managed as successful ones and the lessons learnt out of it showed sometimes the high financial risks which were related to the international engineering and surveying projects. And the experiences have approved that only a consequent project management and an overall risk management will end in a successful global business.  6.  CONCLUSION  The world wide globalization process is not stopping for the engineering and surveying business. Displacements of workplaces and production places to low cost countries are as normal as the international tendering of high  volume surveying projects. Thus the paper described the organization and the management of such projects
  1. 上一篇:建筑工程中的人力资源管理英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:建筑业由噪音引起的听力损失英文文献和中文翻译
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