    Abstract The topic carries out development of die sets standard parts library according to “China Die & Mould Engineering Canon” .Parametric solid models are built based on Pro/E, the family table library of  standard parts is established using the Family Table Function of Pro/E, the database library of parts is established by using Access, the Man-Machine interactive interface is designed by applying Python,  51991
    the application program is developed with VC ++6.0 and Pro/Toolkit, so as to parametric die sets standard parts library system is established. The system has good man-machine interactive interface with strong features of interactive dialogue window, and it’s easy for user to choose standard parts, to fetch the corresponding datafrom database according to the National Standard of the standard part, to build the corresponding 3D solid model of die sets standard parts automatically by the application program. The system could help user to complete the die design rapidly and improve the innovation design and efficient. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of [CEIS 2011] Keywords: die sets, Parametric,Pro/Toolkit, Family Table 1. Introduction Die sets are the fundamental components of the die design. Die sets standard parts library could improve design efficiency, reduce the development circle and less the  labor strength, and it’s important for enterprises to standardized design. Die sets standard parts library is an important part of the CAD system, provides users with standard parts, and helps user to complete the die design rapidly by using the existing resources once they determine the design. In the current competitive environment, companies that engage in producing development and die design hope to short the design and manufacturing time. In the die design, application of die sets standard parts library could help the designers to extract 3D model of standard parts directly from the library. So, building standard parts library could liberate the designers from tedious and repetitive work, save design time and make the designers’ focus on the design concept mainly to improve the innovation design and efficient. 2. Technical route  The basic technical route of establishing the die sets standard parts library is as follows:  z According to the structure of die sets, parametric 3D models of the die sets standard parts library are established based on Pro/E, structural parameters of the models and constraints between them are defined, and the models parametric drive are realized.  z According to the “China Die & Mould Engineering Canon”, using the Family Table function of Pro/E, the family table library of standard parts is established.   z According to the “China Die & Mould Engineering Canon”, the data table’s library of standard parts by using Access is established, and each data table contains all parameters of each die sets standard part.  z The tree structure file which expresses the hierarchical structure of the die sets standard parts is written by XML.  z The Man-Machine interactive interface is designed by applying Python, which functions include analyzes the tree structure file to create structure tree of the die sets library, calls the parts’ 2D pictures from 2D structure picture library, calls the 3D models pictures from 3D model picture library, calls geometric parameters of the part from database library, and displays these information on the interface.  z Application program is developed with VC ++6.0 and Pro/Toolkit which is the secondary development kit of Pro/E. The application program could call the Man-Machine interactive interface, fetch the corresponding data from the family table library according to the national standard of the parts chosen by the user, and build the corresponding 3D solid model of die sets of standard parts automatically. The structure of the standard parts library system is shown in Fig. 1. Fig.1 The structure of the die carrier standard parts library system 3. Key Technologies 3.1. Establish parametric models library Parametric 3D models of the die sets standard parts library are the basis of this design. The 3D models should follow one uniform standard, meet the requirements of  designs, and be demanded to be constrained fully by fundamental equations, and so that the 3D models could be driven to generate new 3D models by the Family Table function. The creating method of parametric 3D models is similar to general models’, but the fundamental principles and attentive points should be followed are listed below when parametric 3D models of the die sets standard parts are built.  z In the process of building 3D models of the die sets standard parts, each model should have one reference datum such as datum point, datum axis or datum plane, but three mutually perpendicular datum planes are mainly used z In the process of building 3D models of the die sets standard parts, reasonable selection of datum plane is important. Pay attention to that the size variables should be kept in contact with the datum planes. When marking dimensions on the parametric 3D models, reasonable datum planes should be selected as references, and at the same time, make the size variables as few as possible. z The parameter variable symbols of the parametric 3D models should be maintained as far as possible consistent with the national standard, and it’s easy to be identified and distinguished. At the same time, the number of parameters should be minimized. z The 3D models should have certain heterogeneity, and the models could be driven to generate new 3D models but the topological relationship could be maintained. z The parent-child relationship of the features should be taken fully into account. According reasonable order to build models, such as the changeless shapes features are usually established before the variegated shape features. Fig. 2 is the 2D structure picture of the upper die seat of middle guide, which the Chinese National Standard is GB/T 2855.9-1990.  Fig.3 shows the 3D model picture of  the GB/T 2855.9-1990, which is built parametric solid model based on Pro/E.                   Fig. 2 2D structure picture of the GB/T 2855.9-1990                       
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