    AbstractIn general, the composite pipes are fabricated using glass fiber and polyester resin matrix by hand lay-up and also by 2-axis fil-ament winding machine. In this work, a filament winding machine was designed and developed for the fabrication of pipes andround shape specimens. A lathe-type machine and a wet winding method were used in the design of the machine. It provides a capa-bility for producing pipe specimens with an internal diameter up to 100 mm and lengths up to 1000 mm. The range of the windingangle, or the fiber orientation angle, starts from 20  to 90  depending on the mandrel diameter used. Mandrel speed is kept constantas 13.6 revolutions per minute (rpm) while the speed of screw of delivery unit varies from 0 rpm to a maximum of 250 rpm. In thefilament winding process used, a single glass roving is drawn through a bath of pre-catalyzed resin which is mounted on the leadscrew by the rotating mandrel. A control unit was used to control the whole process and achieve regular winding and good surfacefinish. Tube samples and other circular specimens of different dimensions were produced using this machine for the differentmechanical tests and applications.  2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Keywords: Filament winding; Composite tube;51997
    Glass fiber; Matrix; Fiber orientation angle1. IntroductionFilament winding has emerged as the primary processfor composite cylindrical structures fabrication at lowcost. In this process, composite layers are successivelywound on a rotating mandrel, as presented in Fig. 1.The layers may be wrapped at different angles varyingfrom hoop layers, which are perpendicular to the cylin-der axis, to helical layers which are at an angle to the cyl-inder axis. The construction of composite cylinder byfilament winding consists of three major steps [1], thefirst is the design, which includes the selection of mate-rials, geometry, and fiber orientations while the secondis fiber placement, the mechanical means by which thefibers are placed in their proper positions. Finally, thethird is the selection and control of conditions whichmust be maintained during the manufacturing process.A process for fabricating a composite structure in whichcontinuous reinforcements (filament, wire, yarn, tape, orother), either previously impregnated with a matrixmaterial or impregnated during the winding, are placedover a rotating and removable form or mandrel in a pre-scribed way to meet certain stress conditions. The rein-forced fibers are usually made of glass, Kevlar orcarbon. Owing to simplicity of process, the hardwareconfiguration is quite standard, and generally involvestwo main sub-systems; the rotary assembly and thedelivery system.The rotary assembly consists of two structural blocks;one fixed and the other linearly movable unit in which a2-axis mechanically driven mandrel is mounted onto itsholders. On the fixed end, the holder is connected to arotating shaft, which is coupled to either a gear or achain or belt reduction system, or directly to the motorunit. Generally, an AC or servo-motor is used because*Corresponding author. +60 3 86567101; fax: +60 3 86567099.E-mail address: sapuan@eng.upm.edu.my (S.M. Sapuan). of its greater torque capabilities and accuracy whenoperating under conditions of heavy loading. Fordelivery system, rolls of continuous fibers are fed intoa resin bath which is mounted onto the carriage railsthat are commonly placed overhead to provide greaterworkroom. Generally, the shape is a surface of revolu-tion and may or may not include end closures. Whenthe required number of layers is applied, the woundform is cured and the mandrel removed. The materialproperties in each layer are constant but may vary fromlayer to layer. The mandrel is represented by a hollowcylinder with uniform effective wall thickness. The man-drel and the cylinder are of equal length and are axisym-metrical, so that neither the geometry nor the propertiesvary in the circumferential direction. Filament windingis defined as [2] a technique which ‘‘produces high-strength and lightweight products; consists basically oftwo ingredients; namely, a filament or tape type rein-forcement and a matrix or resin’’. The concept of fila-ment winding process had been introduced in early1940s and the first attempt was made to develop fila-ment-winding equipment. The equipment that was de-signed in 1950s was very basic; performing thesimplest tasks using only two axes of motion (spindlerotation and horizontal carriage). By mid-1970s,machine design once again made a dramatic shift. Thistime the advancement of servo technology entered therealm of the machine design. High-speed computers al-lowed for rapid data processing, resulting in smoothermotion and greater fiber placement accuracy. The1980s and 1990s saw the increased use of computer tech-nology. Computers and motion control cards becamethe essential pieces of hardware that were included in al-most every machine. Machine speed control was greatlyimproved; computer control systems could track posi-tion and velocity with increased accuracy. Additionalaxes of motions were also incorporated into machine de-sign; allowing for four, five and even six axes of con-trolled motion.The properties of a composite product are not onlydependent on the properties of fiber and resin matrix,
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