
    This has been calculated using the relationsbelowh ¼ 2prNmV c; ð1Þwhere h is the winding angle, r is theMandrel radius, Nmis the Mandrel speed, VC is the carriage linear velocity.V C ¼ NS   d; ð2Þwhere NS is the screw speed, d is the screw threaddistance.It has been found [4], especially for angles between0  and 90 , that the pattern is considered as a com-plete cover of glass on the mandrel. This has been20304050607080900 50 100 150 200 250 300 Screw speed (rpm)Angle of winding (degree)Fig. 8. Winding angle versus screw speed. obtained after several passes of the carriage forwardand backward so that one cover will be consistingof ±U that means one cover is actually consisting oftwo layers. Samples of the final specimens of differentdimensions after fabrication and machining are shownin Fig. 9.6. ConclusionIn a filament winding process, a band of continuousresin impregnated rovings or monofilaments is wrappedaround a rotating mandrel and then cured either atroom temperature or in an oven to produce the finalproduct. The technique offers high-speed and precisemethod for placing many composite layers. The mandrelcan be cylindrical, round or any shape that does nothave re-entrant curvature. Among the applications offilament winding are cylindrical and spherical pressurevessels, pipe lines.Modern winding machines are numer-ically controlled with higher degrees of freedom for lay-ing the exact number of layers of reinforcement.Mechanical strength of the filament wound parts notonly depends on the composition of component materialbut also on process parameters like winding angle, fibertension, resin chemistry and curing cycle. Good prod-ucts of different dimensions were produced using thismachine.AcknowledgmentsThe authors express their gratitude and sincere appre-ciation to the Ministry of Science, Technology andInnovation, Malaysia (MOSTI, Project No. 09-02-04-0824-EA001) for the financial support, and the Depart-ment of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering ofthe University Putra Malaysia for supporting the groupin undertaking the project.References[1] Gutowski TG. Advanced composites manufacturing. NewYork: Wiley; 1997.[2] Babu MS, Srikanth G, Biswas S. Composite fabrication byfilament winding-an insight, 2000. Available from: http://www.Ti-fac.org.in/news/acfil.html.[3] Hull D, Legg MJ, Spencer B. Failure of glass/polyester filamentwound pipe. Composites 1978.[4] Mallick PM. Fiber reinforced composites, materials, manufac-turing and design. 2nd ed. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.;1993.Fig. 9. Specimen fabricated (a) glass fiber, (b) carbon fiber.

    摘要:一般情况下,复合管是手工制作而成,采用玻璃纤维和聚酯树脂基,也由轴丝绕线机缠绕而成。而在缠绕技术中,缠绕机设计在机械制造发达国家中技术逐渐成熟。 车床型机和湿法缠绕方法被用来在机器的设计。它提供了一个生产内部直径达 100 毫米,长度可达 1000毫米的管道标 本。蜿蜒的范围角度或纤维取向的角度,从所用芯轴直径 20 度达到 90 度。芯棒的速度保持不变,而作为交货单元的螺杆速度从 0 rpm 至 250 rpm 甚至最大达到 13.6 每分钟转速(RPM)变化着。在纤维缠绕过程中使用的单一的玻璃粗纱是通过制芯棒率先安装了预催化树脂旋转拧制而成。控制单元是用来控制整个过程,实现定 期绕组和良好表面完成。的功能。使用这台机器的不同管样品和其他不同尺寸的圆形标本力学性能测试和应用。



    1、在低成本制造过程中,复合材料缠绕成圆柱结构是主要的过程。在这个过程中,复合层先后在一个旋转的芯棒缠绕,见图 1。包裹层可在不同的角度箍层,这是垂直于气缸轴的螺旋层,为一个角度气缸轴。复合气瓶的制造缠绕包括三个主要步骤。首先,是材料的选择、几何、纤维取向 的设计。第二,是纤维铺放的机械方法,通过其中的纤维被放置在适当的位置。最后,是条件的选择和在制造过程中必须保持控制。

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