
    But the 3D technology, meshing demanding, more complex equations to calculate the amount of large, long duration and the computational efficiency is low, not suitable for short development cycle and need to be repeatedly revised by CAE verification injection mold design. Therefore, the current penetration rate of the technology is not very high, but it will eventually replace the surface flow of technology and double-sided streaming technology.
    7 Development Trend of Injection Molding
    Injection Molding CAE technology, whether in theory or in the application have made great strides, but in the following still needs further improvement and development [4-5]:
    (1) mathematical models, numerical algorithms to gradually improve the
    Injection Molding CAE technology, practicality, depending on the accuracy of the mathematical model and numerical algorithm accuracy. The current commercial simulation software models do not fully consider the physical quantities in the thickness direction of the impact of the software in order to further improve the analysis accuracy and scope to further improve the existing mathematical models and algorithms.
    (2) the whole process of injection molding simulation
    At present, the injection molding simulation software are mainly filling, flow, packing, cooling, stress and strain and warpage analysis modules, each module was developed based on independent mathematical models, these models has been simplified to a large extent, ignored of the mutual effects. However, in view of injection molding process, plastic melt filling, flow, packing and cooling are intertwined and affect each other and, therefore, filling, flow, packing and cooling analysis module must be organically combined to carry out coupling analysis, in order to comprehensively reflect the real situation of injection molding.
    (3) optimization theory and algorithms, so that CAE technology "active" to optimize the design
    Artificial intelligence technologies, such as expert systems and neural networks on the design calculations, so that simulation can "wisdom" to choose the injection molding process parameters, product size and cooling to fix the piping layout programs to reduce manual intervention in the program.
    (4) a new method of injection molding simulation analysis of the current
    In the conventional injection molding technology, based on and the development of a number of new injection molding methods, such as gas-assisted injection, thin wall injection molding, reaction injection and co-injection . However, no specific methods for these molding simulation software, so untapped.
    (5) injection mold CAD / CAE / CAM integrated and network-based
    The current commercial injection molding CAE software and CAD, CAM software, data transfer between the mainly rely on the file conversion, which easily lead to data loss and errors. Therefore, in design and manufacturing process to take a single model, the establishment of injection mold CAD / CAE / CAM system, a unified database to strengthen the linkages between the three directions of future development. In order to meet the development requirements of e-commerce, this integrated system will achieve different places of the "Collaborative Design" and "virtual manufacturing."
    8 Conclusion
    Despite the adoption of a large number of practice has proved, in the plastic mold industry, the introduction of CAE technology, greatly reducing the mold design and manufacturing cycle and improve the life of the mold and manufacturing precision. At the same time, CAE technologies has also made from the traditional injection mold design experience and skills onto the road of scientific, to a certain extent, changed the injection mold of traditional production methods, but there is no substitute for CAE technology and people's creative work, only can serve as a complementary tool to help engineers understand the problems in the program, but also difficult to provide a clear improvement program, still need to through repeated interactions (analysis - changes - re-analysis) in order to reflect the experience of the designer's right to die design go, the program is designed to determine to a large extent continue to rely on the designer's experience and level.
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