
    gas, liquid, and a foaming agent. The foaming agent
    may consist of one or more of the following: surfactants,
    macromolecules, or finely dispersed solids. The foaming
    agent is needed to reduce surface tension and thereby
    lower the required energy to generate the increased
    surface area in a foam.
    2It is well agreed in the literature that pure liquids
    do not foam. If single bubbles persist at the surface of
    a pure liquid, the sample surely is contaminated.
    Unimolecular films with a surface concentration of 10 10
    mol/cm2 can already influence foaminess behavior; thus,
    special surface cleaning methods need to be applied if
    a clean surface is necessary for the measurement of
    The stability of foams is considered against two
    different processes: film thinning and coalescence (film
    rupturing). Coalescence reduces the total surface area
    and therefore surface energy, signifying that foams are
    thermodynamically unstable; the term stable is used to
    mean stable in a kinetic sense. The life of foams can
    vary over many orders of magnitude, from seconds to
    Kister4 summarized the forces acting on a liquid film
    surrounding a bubble in a foam structure and common
    mechanisms causing foam stability (Table 1).
    In the following subchapters, the most important
    forces and mechanisms in foams that require further
    explanation will be described.
    2.1. Surface Tension. Droplets of liquids and bubbles
    of gas tend to adopt a spherical shape to minimize total
    surface free energy. The responsible force is surface
    tension. Surface tension ç° causes a pressure difference
    across a curved surface, with a higher pressure on the
    concave side (inside the bubble). Because the pressure
    inside the bubble is uniform, the different radii at the
    Plateau border and the lamella cause different pres-
    sures inside the liquid (¢P 2ç°/R) and consequently
    a capillary flow (Laplace flow) to the Plateau borders
    leading to thinning and rupture of the lamellae and
    causing foam collapse.
    2 A restoring force can be pre-
    sented by the Marangoni effect.
    2.2.Marangoni Effect. By throwing an oil-drenched
    sponge into a lake, Marangoni discovered in 1871 thata liquid with low surface tension spreads itself on a
    liquid with high surface tension.
    5 In a surfactant-
    containing solution, the surfactants concentrate at the
    liquid surface. When liquid drains from a film, the film
    is thinned at this area, causing an increase in the
    surface area. The additional area is supplied by liquid
    from the bulk, which is leaner in surfactant concentra-
    tion. Because of a lower surfactant concentration at the
    surface, the surface tension rises. The Marangoni effect
    provokes a surface flow from the nonthinned (low
    surface tension) area to the thinned (high surface
    tension) area, which works against drainage and re-
    stores the film.
    The mass-transfer-induced Marangoni effect does not
    need surface-active components. Here the Marangoni
    stresses, surface tension gradients, are caused by varia-
    tion in the liquid composition or temperature at the
    surface, stabilizing or destabilizing the lamellae.6 In
    distillation systems, the enhanced mass transfer in thin
    films leads to a concentration of the less volatile
    component. If the less volatile component has a higher
    surface tension (Marangoni-positive system), the thin
    film is served with liquid from the Plateau borders, thus
    restoring the film. Foams stabilized by the mass-
    transfer-induced Marangoni effect can be stable and
    often lead to severe foaming in columns.4 An example
    for a positive distillation system is methanol/water.
  1. 上一篇:膝关节假肢英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:建筑抗震评价方法英文文献和中文翻译
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