Fig。 2。 Example Component 1 (All dimensions are in mm, sheet material – Brass, sheet thickness – 1。0 mm)

The present investigation contributes towards automating the design process of progressive die using KBS approach。  The output of system modules includes the type and dimensions of major components of progressive die such as die block, die gages, stripper, stripper plate, punches, punch plate, back plate, die-set and fasteners。 The system is flexible enough  as  its knowledge base can be modified and updated depending upon the capabilities of a specific shop floor and advances in new technology。 The system has been tested for a wide variety of industrial sheet metal components。 Recommendations imparted by the system for selection of progressive die components were found to be reasonable and very similar to those actually used in sheet metal industries。 The data stored in output files generated by the system modules can be further utilized for automatic modeling of progressive die components and die assembly。 The system is a low cost alternative for die designers working in small and medium sized stamping industries。

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