Spring Framework technology 

Spring is a lightweight J2EE application development framework, which uses the model of Inversion of Control(IoC) to separate the actual application from the Config uration and dependent regulations of the application。 Committed to J2EE application a t all levels of the solution, Spring is not attempting to replace the existing framework, but rather “welding” the object of J2EE application at all levels together through the P OJO management。 In addition, developers are free to choose Spring framework for so me or all, since Spring modules are not totally dependent。

 As a major business-level detail, Spring employs the idea of delay injection to as semble code for the sake of improving the scalability and flexibility of built systems。 Thus, the systems achieve a centralized business processing and reduction of code reu se through the Spring AOP module。 

Hibernate Persistent Framework 

Hibernate is a kind of open source framework with DAO design patterns to achie ve mapping(O/R Mapping) between object and relational database。

 During the Web system development, the tradition approach directly interacts wit h the database by JDBC 。However, this method has not only heavy workload but also complex SQL codes of JDBC which need to revise because the business logic sli ghtly changes。 So, whatever development or maintain system are inconvenient。 Consi dering the large difference between the object-oriented relation of java and the structu re of relational database, it is necessary to introduce a direct mapping mechanism bet ween the object and database, which this kind of mapping should use configuration fil es as soon as possibility, so that mapping files will need modifying rather than java so urce codes when the business logic changes in the future。 Therefore, O/R mapping pat tern emerges, which hibernate is one of the most outstanding realization of architecture。 

Java programmer operate a relati onal database with the object oriented programming thinking。 It is a a implementation technology in the lasting layer。 Compared to other lasting layer technology such as JD BC, EJB, JDO, Hibernate is easy to grasp and more in line with the object-oriented pr ogramming thinking。 Hibernate own a query language (HQL), which is fully object-or iented。 The basic structure in its application as shown in figure6。1。 

Hibernate is a data persistence framework, and the core technology is the object / relational database mapping(ORM)。 Hibernate is generally considered as a bridge bet ween Java applications and the relational database, owing to providing durable data se rvices for applications and allowing developers to use an object-oriented approach to t he management and manipulation of relational database。 Furthermore, it furnishes an object-oriented query language-HQL。

 Responsible for the mapping between the major categories of Java and the relatio nal database, Hibernate is essentially a middle ware providing database services。 It su pplies durable data services for applications by utilizing databases and several profiles , such as hibernate properties and XML Mapping etc。。 

Web services technologies 

The introduction of annotations into Java EE 5 makes it simple to create sophisticated Web service endpoints and clients with less code and a shorter learning curve than was possible with earlier Java EE versions。 Annotations — first introduced in Java SE 5 — are modifiers you can add to your code as metadata。 They don't affect program semantics directly, but the compiler, development tools, and runtime libraries can process them to produce additional Java language source files, XML documents, or other artifacts and behavior that augment the code containing the annotations (see Resources)。 Later in the article, you'll see how you can easily turn a regular Java class into a Web service by adding simple annotations。

















