摘要老年化是当今社会面临的问题,而市场上设计的产品都注重年轻人,忽略老 年人,因此,我们要多关注老年人,多设计一些老年人产品,为老年人解决困难。 很多老年人出门买东西拎着篮子,很重,老年人身体不好,尤其是腰部,腿脚, 所以会很累,严重的话老年人会住院,这就需要一款老年人助行推车。现在市场 上的助行推车很多都没有解决老年人的问题,有的助行推车车轮很不安全,而且 不容易走台阶,刹车线很多,很乱,老年人一不留神就会被绊倒,而且功能也不 全面,有的只重外表,有的只注重购物袋,有的只注重材料等等。81185

本论文通过老年人助行推车的外观、结构、多功能、色彩、所用材料、人机 工程学、环境、使用者的想法等角度分析,从人性化方面、便携方面找出创新点, 一切以老年人为出发点,针对老年人体的部分参数,进行细节设计。

本次设计着重于功能与造型设计,三轮式样的车轮省力又安全,座椅设置成 可调节的适合更多的老年人使用,刹车线不要乱糟糟的,造型上用曲线代替直线, 有柔和之美也安全,它是可以折叠的,携带方便,占空间少。很适合老年人使用。

该论文有图 33 幅,表 4 个,参考文献 20 篇。

毕业论文关键词:老年人 助行推车 人性化 多功能

The Elderly Walker Cart

Abstract Aging is a problem facing today's society, and the design products on the market all pay attention to the young, ignore the elderly, therefore, we should pay more attention to the elderly, to design more the old products, solve difficulties for the elderly。Many old people go out to buy things carry basket, very heavy, old people in poor health, especially the waist, legs and feet, so it will be very tired, so the elderly will be in hospital, which requires a walker elderly cart。Now in the market of the walker cart many didn't solve the problem of the elderly, some help do cart wheels are very unsafe, and it is not easy to go the steps, the brake line a lot, is a mess, the old one not careful will be tripped, and function also is not comprehensive, some heavy appearance, some only pay attention to the shopping bag, some only pay attention to material and so on。

This paper through the old to help the appearance of the line of carts, structure, multi-function, colors, materials and ergonomics, the environment, the user's idea Angle analysis, find out from the aspects of humanization, portable innovation points, all in the elderly as a starting point, on older part of the human body parameters, for detail design。

This design focuses on the function and modelling design, three rounds of style wheel energy saving and safe, the seat is set to adjustable is suitable for the old people to use more, brake lines don't mess, on modelling curve instead of straight line, with soft beauty is safe, it is can be folded, easy to carry and take up less space。Very suitable for the elderly。

Key Words: The elderly Walker cart Human nature Mmulti-function

目 录




1 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 研究目的及意义背景 1

1。3 研究的现状和主要内容 2

2 研究方法以及研究步骤 3

2。1 研究方法










