Besides guidelines for the diagnosis of an inventory control problem, the organizational  perspective  on  inventory  control  also  provides  guidelines  for    the

redesign of an inventory system。Based on an accurate understanding of the inventory control problem, the redesign aims to improve the situation or solve the problem by means of recommendations。 From the organizational point of view it is important to take all five dimensions of inventory control into consideration。 However, unlike in the description and analysis of an inventory system, the five dimensions are not expected to be equally important。 Depending on the outcomes of the diagnosis of an inventory system, it might be sufficient to redesign just one of the dimensions。 In other cases, a redesign of the entire system might be required。 Still, in all cases it remains necessary to consider each of the five dimensions, since they are closely interrelated。 For example, changing the allocation of tasks can influence communication processes。Likewise, improving decision-making processes can solve behavioral problems。 Therefore, the third guideline of applying the organizational perspective in practice regards redesigning an inventory system by taking the five dimensions of inventory control into account, although it is  not needed  to change them all。

In the conclusion, the framework presented in Fig。 2 facilitates the practical employment of the organizational perspective on inventory control。  The accompanying guidelines provide support in diagnosing and redesigning an inventory system。 This way of applying the organizational perspective to practical inventory control problems is expected to lead to more satisfying solutions。 In the first place this is due to the comprehensive description and analysis of an inventory system。 Compared to the traditional approach to inventory control,  the  organizational approach is more likely to capture the complex environment most inventories are situated in。 This is expected to lead to a more accurate understanding of the inventory control problem。 In the second place, more satisfying solutions are to be expected because of more appropriate redesigns。 Traditionally, redesign were focused on changes in order quantities,order intervals or inventory control systems。However, it has been argued that in several practical situations the organizational context of inventories needs to be changed in order to improve inventory control。 Therefore, the organizational perspective paying attention to both traditional and contextual   aspects

will lead to more appropriate redesigns。 The next sections of this article describe the research design and results of a case study in which the organizational perspective has been applied to a practical inventory control problem。

中文翻译 对于组织库存控制的看法:理论和案例研究 摘要

目前,在自动化领域主要的控制方式有继电器、微机控制和 PLC 三种。由于 PLC 控制系统与继电器控制系统及微机控制系统相比,具有设计、安装、调试工 作量小,研制周期短,可靠性高,抗干扰能力强,故障率低,对工作环境要求低, 维护方便等一系列优点。而继电器控制系统因技术性能差,功能单一,在机械控 制系统中很少使用。微机控制系统因抗干扰能力较差,对工作环境要求高,设计 研制周期较 PLC 控制系统长,因此,在自动化控制领域的应用呈逐年下降趋势。文献综述

随着信息化产业的高速发展,数控机床的功能日趋完善,数控机床已经完全 取代了普通机床,而数控技术是机械加工自动化的基础,是数控机床的刻心技术, 其水平高低关系到国家战略地位和体现国家综合实力的水平。今后数控技术又将 向着高进化,高速化,高效化,系统化,自动化,智能化,集体化方向发展。 由于 z-3040 型摇臂钻床的电气控制系统存在线路复杂、故障率高、维护工作量 大、可靠性低、灵活性差等缺点,本文提出了用 PLC 对 z-3040 型摇臂钻床的继电 器接触式模拟控制系统进行技术改造,从而保证了电控系统的快速性、准确性、 合理性,更好地满足了实际生产的需要,提高了经济效益。
















