摘要:随着经济和社会不断发展,在物质的驱使下,现代社会的利益冲突日益明显。人们为了个人的私利甚至不惜通过诉讼这一合法手段来谋求非法利益,民事恶意诉讼现象日趋严重。恶意民事诉讼是指一方当事人以损害他人利益为目的并通过虚构民事诉讼条件为手段,给相对人造成财产及精神损害的一种诉讼行为。尽人皆知,法所追求的最崇高的目标就是要实现社会的公平和正义,然而恶意诉讼行为人运用多种方式和手段侵犯诉讼相对人的正当的合法权益,是与法的最高价值公然相对抗,其对国家司法资源的浪费和扰乱社会秩序,是对司法公正和诉讼价值的严重侵害。这种现象也引起了我国司法界的广泛关注,例如:2004年2月,最高人民法院民三庭在北京召开了部分法院、新华社等参加的滥用诉权问题研讨会,重点对知识产权审判领域中的恶意诉讼问题进行研讨。 在我国现有法律制度下,对恶意民事诉讼的制约明显不足,法律对恶意民事诉讼的规制尚需完善。本文旨在研究民事恶意诉讼的相关问题,并借助国外关于规制民事恶意诉讼的成功经验,进而提出完善我国民事恶意诉讼的相关制度。从而文护诉讼当事人正当的合法权益,保障社会的公平正义,捍卫司法尊严,推动社会的和谐发展。21558 毕业论文关键词:恶意民事诉讼;滥用诉权;诚实信用原则;法律规制
On The Malicious Cavil Action And The Legal Regulation
Abstract: Civil litigation is generally considered to take legal measures to protect the legitimate rights of citizens, to resolve a dispute is one of the most important means. However, with social progress and economic development, more obvious conflict of interest, some people seek illegal interests in action this legal under the cover of the malicious civil action, s becoming increasingly serious. Malicious Civil Procedure refers to a party to the detriment of the interests of others as a condition of a civil action by means of a fictional civil litigation purposes, property damage to other people's behavior and mental damage. As we all know, the pursuit of justice is the highest value of the law, malicious prosecution person however take a variety of ways to suit a serious violation of the specific legal rights, and the value of law is draw further apart, the waste of judicial resources and disrupt the action order, an impact and damage to the justice and lawsuit value. Under the existing legal system, control of the malicious civil action is obviously insufficient, the legal regulation of the malicious civil action still needs to perfect. This paper aims to study the related problems of malicious litigation, and using the experience of western countries on the regulation of malicious prosecution, also proposed measures to regulate the malicious litigation.
Key word:Malicious Civil Action; Abuse of The Right to Appeal; Principle of Good Faith; Legal Regulation
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