摘 要2013年新修改的《刑事诉讼法》第五编第一章专门设置了未成年人刑事诉讼程序,系统规定了未成年人刑事诉讼的专门原则、特有权利与特殊制度。新《刑事诉讼法》的出台,是我国关于未成年人刑事案件诉讼程序理论和实践经验的集成和总结,是少年司法制度的进步,是目前保护未成年人最重要的、核心的法律依据。本文旨在通过对我国未成年人刑事犯罪现状及概念、范围、新旧法对比以及各国立法现状等的探讨,深入分析我国新《刑事诉讼法》中有关未成年人刑事审判制度的优点及缺陷,并对如何完善我国新《刑事诉讼法》中对未成年人审判制度相关问题提出建议和解决措施,进而切实保护未成年人的合法利益,让未成年罪犯能够重新做人、融入社会。88789
Abstract New modification of the criminal procedure law in 2013 made up the first chapter 5 specifically set up juvenile criminal procedure, the system provides for minors special principles of criminal proceedings, specific rights and special system。Creation of new "criminal procedural law", is proceeding of juvenile criminal cases in China theory and practice experience of integration and summary, is the progress of the juvenile justice system, is now the most important protect minors, the core of legal basis。This paper aims to present situation of our country juvenile criminal and the concept, scope, method of contrast between the old and the new and the various countries' legislation present situation, the thorough analysis of the new "criminal procedural law" in China about the advantages and defects of juvenile criminal justice system, and on how to perfect our country the new trial system to the minors in the criminal procedure law related issues put forward Suggestions and solutions, and to protect the legitimate interests of the minors, allow underage criminals to turn over a new leaf, to integrate。
毕业论文关键词:未成年人犯罪; 刑事审判制度; 权利保障
Keyword: minor crime; criminal trial system; right safeguard
目 录
引言 1
一、未成年人犯罪的概念源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 及特点分析 1
(一)未成年人犯罪的概念 1
(二)未成年人犯罪的现状及特点 1
1。侵财型犯罪占比高 1
2。高科技犯罪案件日益增多 2
3。贫穷家庭子女居多 2
4。犯罪低龄化 2
二、 未成年人犯罪审判制度发展现状 2
(一)立法理念 2
(二)主要突破 3
1。明确专门原则 3
2。完善特有权利 3
3。确立特殊制度 4
(三)尚存问题 4
1。社会调查制度可操作性不强 4
2。附条件不起诉范围过窄及定义模糊 5
三、完善未成年人刑事审判制度的建议 5
(一)域外未成年人刑事From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 审判制度之启示 5
(二)完善社会调查制度 6