摘要:随着法制的发展,给刑事被追诉者提供实质有效的辩护成为当前我国刑事诉讼的任务之一。以美国为代表的西方法治国家对有效辩护的发展对在我国建立起高效的辩护制度有着十分重要的借鉴意义。那么在有效辩护制度中,刑事诉讼各方在为实现这一突破有何责任?回顾实践中各方在实现有效辩护的缺憾的基础上来构建完善中国特色的刑事诉讼模式下的有效辩护原则。34278 毕业论文关键词:辩护权;有效辩护;刑事诉讼模式;无效辩护
Effective Defense: Criminal Procedure Pattern Should Bear
Abstract: With the development of the legal system, offering real but effective defense for the criminal under prosecution becomes one of the tasks of criminal procedure in China at present. America a preventive of western countries, theirs development of effective defense system have a great significance for our country to establish efficient defense system. Then, what is the responsibility of all parties to make a breakthrough in the effective defense system. On the basis of reviewing the defects of all parties in effective defense system, construct and promote the effective defense of criminal procedure pattern with Chinese characteristics.
Key words: Right to defense; Effective defense; Criminal procedure pattern; Ineffective assistance of counsel
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