摘 要:婚约制度在中华民族的历史长河中源远流长,上至西周下至国民政府时期,婚约制度一直与我们生活各个方面特别是婚姻生活密切相关。婚约是男女双方当事人以结婚为目的而事先形成的具有契约性质的行为,婚约制度在当时的婚姻家庭生活中占有重要的地位。通过对婚约制度概念、性质、成立条件及法律责任的具体阐述,民国时期的婚约制度的保留、民国时期婚约制度的新变化及对民国时期婚约制度的评价等方面对民国时期的婚约制度进行较为深入的研究。40120 毕业论文关键词:婚约制度;婚约自由;婚约发展
Study on the marriage system in the Nanjing Government
Abstract:The engagement system, closely related to the marriage in our daily life, has a long story in the Chinese history, ranging from the Western Zhou dynasty to the Nanjing Government period. It is a contract behavior formed between the males and females with the objectives of marriage before the wedding ceremony and plays a vital part in the family. Herein, a deep study on the engagement system in the National Government period is conducted based on the a comprehensive evaluation of the concept, nature, conditions, legal responsibilities,reserve and evolution of the engagement system, nature of the engagement system during the National Government period.
Key words:The engagement system ;Free of the engagement;Development of engagement
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