摘 要:现阶段,民意与舆论在量刑行为中发挥的影响不断加大。如何正确看待民意与舆论在量刑活动中的影响,发挥民意与舆论给量刑活动营造的积极性,防止其造成的负面影响十分关键。要实现民意、舆论与量刑的良性互动,应创建制度性的民意收集制度,提高量刑的公信力和透明度,不断规范法官的自由裁量权,加大对制造、故意传播不实舆论行为的惩处力度。40197 毕业论文关键词:民意;舆论;量刑
The Influence of Public Opinion on Sentencing Activity
Abstract: At this stage, the influence of public opinion and public rhetoric plays an increasingly important role in the act of sentencing. It is a critically crucial point to treat the influence of public opinion and public rhetoric correctly in sentencing activities, and to make them bringing the initiative into play in sentence in a bid to avoid its negative impact. To implement the benign interaction of public opinion, public rhetoric and sentence, we should create the institutional collection system of public opinion , improve the degree of credibility and transparency in measurement of penalty, regulate the discretion of judge continuously, and intensify penalty to those who generate or deliberately spread fake opinion.
Key words: public opinion; public rhetoric; sentencing
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