    (1) 冷却水泵、冷却塔为一一对应的运行配置。冷却水系统采用冷却塔开式循环系统,供、回水温度分别为32°C和37°C。冷却水水泵放置在水泵房冷却塔放置在屋面,冷却水泵共三台,两用一备。冷却塔采用圆形超低噪音型,塔与塔的积水盘之间采用连通管连接,冷却塔进水管上均安装电动蝶阀,并与冷却塔风机同时启停。
        (2) 机房设在负一层空调机房内,室内空调器冷冻水经过竖向空调进水管送至各层,经空调器后汇集到竖向空调回水管冷凝水采取就近原则排入卫生间排水管中,在接入之前做水封处理以防止废气倒流。
    全空气低速空调系统:回风与新风混合后进入空气处理器机经热交换处理及加压后经过消声静压箱进入风道 ,经散流器和双层百叶送入室内。室内冷负荷变化时 ,由设在空调器回风口的温度控制器自动调节装在机组回水管上的带比例积分装置的电动调节阀调节水流量。
    From the practical engineering design project. This project is a pleasant apartment air conditioning system design. Apartment seven layers, with a total construction area of 7707.4 square meters. One to the second floor is equipped with multi-function hall, housing, community, public toilet, kitchen three to seven layers for the standard of housing. This engineering design task as the selection and arrangement of air conditioning system, indoor thermal and moisture load calculation, system hydraulic calculation, related equipment type selection calculation, etc. Scope of this thesis design: air conditioning system of air processing, fresh air and the wind system. The main content for the load calculation, choice of air conditioning system, wind system design and air distribution calculation, duct hydraulic calculation.
    Happiness apartment's main function is for people living, leisure, entertainment, as a result, the design must be people-oriented, will meet the comfort level of the people in the first place. This design for housing construction of the main room. The selected air-conditioning system can realize independent control of each room, considering the factors that determine the selection of fan coil plus fresh air system.
    Air conditioning water system design of this project
    (1) cooling water pump, cooling tower for one-to-one run configuration. Cooling water system using cooling tower open cycle system, supply and return water temperature of 32 ° C and 37 ° C respectively. Cooling water pump in water pump room cooling tower is placed in the roof, cooling water pump, a total of three, and a case. Cooling tower adopts circular low noise type, tower and tower adopts the pipe connection between water and cooling tower feed line are installed on the electric butterfly valve, and cooling tower fan rev. Stop at the same time.
  1. 上一篇:预应力混凝土连续T梁桥设计+CAD图纸
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