    本设计课题为南京林海公寓。本工程总用地面积 791.58 m2,总建筑面积 8260.8 m2(其中地上建筑面积   7665.1 m2,地下建筑面积 595.7 m2),建筑高度为44.4 m,容积率为14.95,建筑层数为 14层,地上 4层,地下 1 层。本工程由 1个(座)部分(建筑)组成,是一栋14层的住宅公寓。公寓位于用地北侧,商业沿新开路展开。室内外高差600mm,屋顶为结构找坡,坡度2%,建筑物高度(室外地面至电梯机房顶)为44.4m。整个公寓平面规整,符合使用及受力要求;立面简洁、明快,体现出现代化风格。
    本设计的结构形式采用剪力墙结构。其特点是整体性好,侧向刚度人,水平力作用下侧移小,并且由于没有梁、柱等外露与凸出,便于房间内部布置。自然条件如下:基本风压:0.55kN/m2(重现期为50 年);基本雪压:0.20kN/m2(重现期为50 年);本地区地震基本烈度为七度;地震分组为第一组;场地类别为II类;根据建筑高度及设防烈度,此建筑抗震等级为三级。地质条件及场地工程地质评价如下:土的容重以18kN/m3作为计算依据;土层竖向分布及主要物理力学指标见地质勘查报告
    This is a five-storey frame structure. From the first floor to the fourth floor are for study and work use. Half of them are classrooms.There are a multiple-function room and a library in the fifth floor. The building is about 7300 m2. The height of the building is 22.25m with each storey’s height is 4.2m. There’s no storeys under the ground. The length of the building is about 79.7m with deformation joint departing the building into two parts.
    The use age of the building is 50 years. The importance is second grade. The building is a frame strcucture. The concrete for the columns and beams is C30, for the prestressed beam is C50, other less important component use C15. Rein:   stands for HPB235 steel;    stands for HRB400.
    The foundation is stable and the 11th soil’s strength is 120kN/m2 which can meet the demands. Pile foundation is used to hold the building with a bearing platform to associate the columns. The length of the pile is 31m and the diameter is 500mm. Each platform has four piles.
    Oncreteslab is used for the floor, several coefficients to modify the load of the beams and columns. Considering the requirements for the structure in earthquake, regulations are used to calculate the loads and resistance of the structure. When working on the prestressed concrete beam, the loss of the stress should also be count in. Textbooks can help to make the optimal design, too.
    Generally speaking, the design of the building and structure can meet the demands of safety and using.
    1   建筑设计部分1
    1.1  设计要求1
    1.2  南京林海公寓建筑设计1
    1.2.1 平面设计1
    1.2.2 外立面设计1
    1.2.3 剖面设计2
    1.2.4 交通组织及防火疏散设计2
    1.2.5 采光通风2
    1.2.6 功能要求3
    1.2.7 室外工程3
    1.3  设计依据4
    2   结构方案设计5
    2.1  设计依据和要求5
    2.1.1 工程等级5
    2.1.2 自然条件5
    2.1.3 设计荷载6
    2.1.4 设计规范及规程7
    2.2  结构方案7
    2.2.1 结构选型7
    2.2.2 结构布置7
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