    摘要:在普通线路上,钢轨接头是轨道的薄弱环节之一,而随着无缝线路的应用,接头问题得到了较好的解决。无缝线路具有行车平稳,旅客舒适,同时机车车辆和轨道的文修费用低,使用寿命长等优点。随着线路客货运量和行车速度的不断提高,列车轴重的增加,无缝线路已成为高速、重载铁道的必选轨道结构,也是我国铁路线路的主要发展方向。论文以此为出发点,对北京地区的既有线路进行了改造设计。本设计利用Auto CAD及EXCEL,对线路进行了平面、纵断面和横断面的设计,并绘制了线路纵断面设计图以及横断面的局部放大图;通过对轨道结构类型选择,用有限元模型对轨道强度及稳定性验算,进而进行了无缝线路的结构设计;通过计算桥上无缝线路钢轨伸缩力、挠曲力和断轨力,设计了一座单跨钢桥上的无缝线路,并绘制了无缝线路的配轨图和长轨布置图。21478
    CWR track transformation in northern climate
    Abstract:In the traditional track, rail joints is one of the weak links in the track, nevertheless, with the application of the continuous welded rail, the joint problems get better resolved. Continuous welded rail has a smooth reaffic, passenger comfort, and low maintenance costs of rolling stock and track, long lifespan and other advantages. As the increasing improvement of railway passenger traffic volume , traffic speed and axle load of the train, CWR has become a required track structure of the high-speed and overload railway. And the jointless track is also the main development direction in China’s railway engineering. This paper adopts the jointless track transformation of the existing railway in Beijing.This paper uses Auto CAD and EXCEL  softwares to design the plane, profile and cross section of the railway, and draw the profile blueprint and cross-sectional of partial enlargement. By selecting the track structure type and using finite element model to analyse the strength and stability of the track, and then carries out the structural design of continuous welded rail. Through calculating rail’s expansion force, bending force and the broken rail force of the jointless track on bridge, design a seamless track on a single-span steel bridge, and draw the diagram of long track layout and rail designation.
    KeyWords:Continuous welded rail; Northern climate; Track layout; lock rail temperature
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 工程概况    1
    1.2 研究背景    1
    1.3 目的及意义    2
    1.4 设计重难点    2
    2 线路的平面和纵断面设计    4
    2.1线路平面设计    4
    2.1.1 设计原则    4
    2.1.2 计算公式    6
    2.1.3 计算结果    7
    2.2 线路纵断面设计    8
    2.2.1 设计原则    9
    2.2.2 计算参数    9
    2.2.3 原始数据    12
    2.2.4 计算结果    15
    2.3  线路横断面设计    18
    2.3.1 道床设计    18
    2.3.2 超高设计    20
    2.4 本章小结    21
    3 轨道部件强度检算    22
    3.1 计算所需资料    22
    3.2 钢轨应力检算    22
    3.2.1 检算条件    22
    3.2.2 检算公式    23
    3.2.3 检算内容    24
    3.3 轨枕强度检算    28
    3.3.1 检算条件    28
    3.3.2 检算公式    29
    3.3.3 检算内容    29
    3.4 道床顶面应力计算    32
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