
      Through this is a graduation project, on the one hand, combined with our own professional learning content, improve learning initiative and enthusiasm. On the other hand, to be more familiar with the professional design and construction drawing knowledge, skilled design and construction of the profession, to make ourselves better use of the expertise, so as to further engage in the design, lay a sound professional basis .The design is from the actual engineering.
    2Project Overview
    The project is located in the administrative office area of Shanghai (A), 4 floors beyond the ground, 1 floor below office building, with a total height of 17m, which is a multi-story building; underground total 1 floor which is garage ; total 4 stories beyond the ground, including the offices and conference rooms and rest room .
    3Design basis
    Shanghai Latitude: 31 ° 16 ', Longitude: 121 ° 29', elevation: 4m
    3.2Meteorological parameters
    pressure: Winter 102.33Kp, summer : 100.17 Kp.
    Outdoor calculation ( dry bulb ) Temperature (℃):
    Tabel1.1 Outdoor calculation ( dry bulb ) Temperature (℃)
    Winter    Summer
    Heating    Air conditioning    Avg. daily lowest     Ventilat-ion    Air conditioning    Avg. daily air conditioning    Daily difference    Ventilat-ion
    -2    -5    -11.3    3    35.2    31.9    6.3    33
    Interior design parameters:
    Tabel1.2 Interior design parameters
    Room Name    Summer    Winter    Fresh air m²/h.P    Noise
        Temperature    Relative Humidity    Temperature    Relative Humidity        
    Office    26    --    18    --    30    55
    Meeting Room    26    --    18    --    30    55
    Hall    26    --    18    --    30    55
    Room    26    --    18    --    30    55
    Longe    26    --    18    --    30    55
    Tabel1.2 Interior design parameters continued
    Room Name    Summer    Winter    Fresh air m²/h.P    Noise
        Temperature    Relative Humidity    Temperature    Relative Humidity        
    Other    26    --    18    --    30    55

    Air conditioning in summer out door design wet bulb temperature (℃): 28.2
    3.3Design Specification
    [1].    《heating, ventilation and air conditioning automatic control(GB50019—2003);
    [2].    《energy-saving building design standards》(GB50176—93);
    [3].    《heating, ventilation and air conditioning design》(JCJ26—95);
    [4].    《heating, ventilation and air conditioning Drawing Standards 》(GB50189—2005);
    [5].    《fire protection design of tall buildings 》(JGJl34—2001);
    [6].    《National civil engineering design measures - HVAC & power》(GB50242—2002);
    [7].    《HVAC Drafting Standards》(GB50243—2002);
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