    New south gate of Chengdu metro line 1 subway station foundation pit excavation supporting design
    Abstract :Foundation pit engineering is our country an important research direction in the field of the foundation. Foundation pit engineering in the late 1980 s began to comprehensive and in-depth research and engineering practice, but with the development of our country construction enterprise, a city of tall buildings, deep foundation pit engineering has been heavily promoted by the development of design theory and construction technology, at the same time also produced a large number of deep foundation pit supporting design and construction problems,
      According to the new south gate of Chengdu area engineering geology, hydrogeology, and special geological (such as collapsible loess, etc.). The determination of ground load, the construction plan comparison, the calculation of earth pressure in each layer, underground continuous wall construction, reinforcement calculation, the deformation estimation and control, construction organization design, new south gate station on line 1 of Chengdu for pit excavation supporting design.
    Keywords:The subway; Continuous wall; The foundation pit
    1 绪论    1
    2  工程概况    2
    2.1 概况    2
    2.2 工程地质条件    2
    2.3 水文地质条件    3
    3 支护方案的选择和比较    4
    3.1 基坑支护的类型    4
    3.1.1 深层搅拌水泥土围护墙    4
    3.1.2 土钉墙    4
    3.1.3 排桩支护    5
    3.1.4 钻孔灌注桩    5
    3.1.5 地下连续墙    5
    4 土压力计算    7
    4.1 地面荷载的确定    7
    4.2 按分层土计算土压力    7
    4.3 土层力学参数平均值    8
    5 结构内力计算    10
    5.1 计算理论的确定    10
    5.2 结构内力计算及配筋    10
    5.2.1 土压力计算    10
    5.2.2 用等值梁法计算弯矩    12
    5.3 地下连续墙的配筋计算    19
    5.3.1 纵筋配置    19
    5.3.2 水平筋配置    21
    6 基坑稳定性分析    22
    6.1 基坑的整体稳定性验算    22
    6.2 基坑的抗隆起稳定验算    22
    6.3 基坑的抗渗流稳定性验算    24
    7 支撑设计    25
    7.1 方案比较    25
    7.2 围檩设计    25
    7.3 支撑设计    27
    8 基坑变形估算及控制    29
    8.1 概述    29
    8.2 基坑的变形估算    29
    8.2.1 水平位移估算    29
    8.2.2 基坑隆起估算    29
    8.2.3 地表沉降估算    30
    9 施工组织设计    31
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