Abstract:This is a design of Zhuanghe Fishing Harbor Project. The harbor, a major fishingport, is located in Zhuanghe, Liaoning province. lt aims at developing the fisheryeconomy and the foreign trade of aquatic products.
Based on the geological data, the requirement of port construction and the wharfstructure, this port is designed as piled wharf structure. The main design contentincludes the port layout design and the hydraulic structure design.
The overall layout design of the fishing port includes the berth number and theoptimal pier length. The wharfs and quays in the port are basically of the structure ofpiles with beams and slabs. The panel, the vertical beams and cross beams, pilings andpilecaps, berthing members and the corresponding bearing capacity have beenresearched and calculated. Some complex ones were calculated by software. to assurethe integer stability, bank slope stability was checked at last.During the process of designing and calculating, the design strictly keeps relevantstandards of port projects.
Key words: the overall layout of fishing port, calculation, piled wharf structuredesign