    关键词  空调设计  酒店  冷热源  防排烟
    Title    HVAC Design of  a Hotel in Shanghai             
    This paper mainly introduces the design of air conditioning system, ventilation system and smoke control system of a hotel in Shanghai. With 1 basement, ground 17 floors, the building’s area is about 33365 m2. Depending on the needs of different regions, the hotel air conditioning system pides into the lower zone, room area, the mall podium three loops. Rooms zones uses fan-coil unit with fresh air system. Hotel lobbies, restaurants and shopping malls and other use the entire air system. In addition to the lobby and rooms are supplied air on one side, the other region's main air supply with a square diffuser. Systems use two centrifugal chillers as a source of cold air conditioning, Refrigeration room lay out in the basement, Cooling Tower is set in the roof of the mall podium. In the stairwell and elevator room a pressurized air is supply to achieve the goal of smoke.
    Keywords  air conditioning design  hotel  cold and heat source   smoke control and exhaust
    目   次
    1  总论    1
    1.1  工程概况    1
    1.2  设计依据    1
    1.2.1  设计目的    1
    1.2.2  设计任务    1
    1.2.3  设计成果    1
    1.2.4  设计规范与标准    2
    2  空调负荷计算    3
    2.1  室外空调计算参数    3
    2.2  室内空气设计参数    3
    2.3  空调冷负荷计算    4
    2.3.1  围护结构瞬时传热冷负荷    4
    2.3.2  透过玻璃窗的日射得热引起的冷负荷    4
    2.3.3  室内热源散热引起的冷负荷    5
    2.3.4  空调夏季新风负荷计算    6
    2.3.5  冷负荷计算举例    6
    2.4  湿负荷计算    9
    2.5  空调热负荷计算    10
    2.5.1  围护结构基本耗热量计算    10
    2.5.2  围护结构附加耗热量计算    10
    2.5.3  冷风渗透耗热量计算    11
    2.5.4  空调冬季新风热负荷计算    11
    2.5.5  热负荷计算举例    11
    2.6  空调负荷计算结果汇总与分析    12
    2.6.1  空调冷负荷计算结果汇总    12
    2.6.2  空调热负荷计算结果汇总    16
    2.6.3  空调负荷计算结果分析    18
    3.1  建筑的功能特点及典型的空调方式    19
    3.2  空调形式的确定    19
    4.1  送风量的确定    20
    4.1.1  夏季送风状态点及送风量    20
    4.1.2  冬季的送风状态及送风量    21
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