    1设计题目来源空调系统设计是建筑环境与设备工程学生必须掌握的专业技能。本课题拟让学生通过设计川能宾馆空调系统,使学生掌握空调的选择与设计过程,并熟练掌握用计算机绘图的方法与技巧,培养学生分析问题和解决本专业工程实际问题的独立工作能力,使学生得到充分地锻炼。 29859
    该建筑位于上海市,总建筑面积5403㎡ 。为一类建筑,抗震设防烈度为8度,一级耐火等级。
    空调冷热负荷的计算;空调系统的划分与系统方案的确定;冷热源的选择;空调末端处理设备的选型;风系统的设计、布置与阻力计算;室内送风方式的选定与气流组织的校核;水系统的设计、布置与水力计算,水系统动力设备的选型及附属设备的设计、选择;风管设备与冷水管道的保温;消声防振设计;通风设计等内容。设计中涉及到的各类指标、计算公式与数据参数参照了各类标准与专业课本,设备基本选自实际样本。 毕业论文
    Design of air conditioning system for Chuanneng Hotel
    The general illustrate of design
    1 The source of the design
    The design of air conditioning system is building environment and equipment engineering students must master the professional skills. This project aims to let the students through the design of air conditioning system for Chuanneng Hotel
    To enable students to master the design and selection of air conditioning system, and master the skills and method of computer graphics, trains the student to analyze the question and solve the practical problems of the professional engineering ability to work independently, make students get sufficient exercise.
    According to the construction plan provided by teachers, combined with the meteorological data of local students, according to the air conditioning cold, heat load calculation and air conditioning system form to make the choice of heat and cold sources, as well as cold and heat source room layout. Finally, drawing design drawings, drawings shall be able to better express the design intention, drawing depth should be close to the construction level.

    2 The general situation of the engineering
    The building is located in Shanghai,The total construction area of 5403㎡,primary-class structure,Seismic fortification intensity of 6 degrees.Structure system as frame tube.
    Room functions is bedroom, office, shop, KTV ,etc.
    This building uses central air conditioning for cold heating.
    Air conditioning parameters: cold water supply return water temperature: 7-12, hot water supply and return water temperature: 60-50.

    3 Design content
    Design elements include: hot and cold loading calculation of air conditioning; classification of air conditioning systems and system solutions; determination; selection of hot and cold sources; air-conditioning end equipment selection; wind systems designs, layouts and the resistance; selection of indoor ventilation and airflow in check; water system design, layout and hydraulic calculation; equipment selection and ancillary equipment selection of water system equipments; wind tube device and the cold water pipe insulation; noise vibration-proof design; ventilation design, and so on.
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