    Central Air Conditioning System Design for communication building in South
    Abstract: The graduation project designs a central air conditioning system for an comm-unication agency building in South China, mainly in order to meet the requirements of the communications agency building summer cooling and winter heating, designed to s-atisfy simultaneously process and comfort requirements, for indoor workers provide healt-hy and comfortable working environment, while ensuring that the room to work in a st-able environment, the building has a total of three layers, in the office, conference roo-m and room. Design content includes: air conditioning load calculation; the choice of ai-r conditioning system; air system design; pipeline; pipework insulation layer design; ane-choic anti vibration design content.
    Keywords:    communication agency building; Central air conditioning;Cold and heat load;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.2    发展趋势    2
    1.3    本课题研究内容    3
    1.3.1    工程概况    3
    1.3.2    福州市气象参数    3
    2    负荷计算    5
    2.1    夏季空调冷负荷计算    5
    2.1.1    围护结构冷负荷    5
    2.1.2    室内热源散热形成的冷负荷CLQ    6
    2.2    冬季热负荷的计算    8
    2.2.1    围护结构基本耗热量    8
    2.2.2    围护结构的附加耗热量    8
    2.2.3    围护结构的高度附加率    9
    2.3    湿负荷计算    9
    2.4    负荷计算数据汇总    10
    3    空调系统选择    12
    3.1    空调系统的选择    12
    3.1.1    空调系统设计的基本原则    12
    3.1.2    空调系统方案的比较    12
    3.1.3    空调设备的选择    13
    4    新风负荷的计算    15
    4.1新风量的确定    15
    4.2夏季空调新风冷负荷的计算     15
    4.3冬季空调新风热负荷的计算    15
    5    风系统的设计    16
    5.1    空调系统选择通风管道设计原则    16
    5.2    风管选择与布置    16
    5.2.1    风量的计算    17
    5.3    气流组织的计算    18
    5.3.1    气流组织分布    18
    5.3.2    风口的选择计算和布置    19
    6    管道的选择    20
    6.1    分支管    20
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