
         Hall: dry bulb temperature of 26 degrees Celsius in summer, winter dry bulb temperature is 20 degrees Celsius, for fresh air volume after 30 m^3/h * p.
         Rooms: dry bulb temperature of 26 degrees Celsius in summer, winter dry bulb temperature is 20 degrees Celsius, for fresh air volume after 60 m^3/h * p.
         Big hotel is the main practical and economical on principle. In combination with its own situation, does not need to match with large precision air conditioning system, in accordance with the principle of the design of the comfort air conditioning.
          At the tower is a budget hotel accommodation, economical, practical and convenient. According to Shanghai meteorological conditions, and air conditioning design set the basic scheme of the design specification, etc. This design using the fan-coil unit plus fresh air system of air conditioning, each layer has a fresh air units, each layer can use the current fan to conveying fresh air, fan coil units mainly bear indoor hot and cold load. Air conditioning system of water system with double control program system.
         Through the initial load calculated the total cooling load of the hotel (including air) at about 500.83 kw, total moisture load (including air) at about 288.732 kg/h. Subsequent equipment selection as well as the subsequent calculations will take place on the premise of this argument.
    1.绪论    1
    1.1暖通空调设计概述    1
    1.2题目来源    1
    2.设计说明    1
    2.1 设计原始资料    1
    2.2 设计依据    2
    2.3 建筑基本情况    3
    3.空调方案的选择    3
    3.1 空调选择可供参考方案:    3
    3.2 空调系统的简述    4
    3.3 空调系统方案的确定    6
    4.空调负荷计算    6
    4.1 冷负荷概述及计算原理    6
    4.1.1 外墙和屋面冷负荷    6
    4.1.2 内围护结构的传热冷负荷    7
    4.1.3 外窗的温差传热冷负荷    7
    4.1.4 外窗的太阳辐射冷负荷    8
    4.1.5 人体显热冷负荷    8
    4.1.6 照明散热冷负荷    8
    4.1.7 其他室内散热量    9
    4.2湿负荷计算    9
    4.2.1 房间湿负荷的构成    9
    4.2.2 湿负荷的计算    9
    4.3新风负荷计算    10
    4.3.1 空调系统的新风量依据    10
    4.3.2 空调新风冷负荷的计算    10
    4.4 北外窗冷负荷    10
    4.5人员散热引起的冷负荷    11
    4.6照明负荷    12
    4.7设备冷负荷    12
    5 空气的处理过程与计算    12
    5.1 半集中式系统空气处理    12
    5.1.1 空气处理过程及计算    12
    5.2新风量的确定    14
    5.2.1 确定新风量的依据    14
    5.3新风量的计算    14
    5.4 新风负荷    15
    5.5 建筑物负荷计算书    15
    5.5.1 气象参数    15
    5.5.2 工程的总负荷统计情况    15
    5.5.3 建筑物的围护结构基本信息    16
    5.5.4 建筑物的楼层负荷统计情况    16
    6 气流组织    17
    6.1 气流组织的形式    17
    6.2风口型式的确定    17
    6.2.1 送风方式及送风口的选型    17
    6.2.2 送风口和回风口型式    18
  1. 上一篇:商业中心下层空调通风系统设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:青少年活动中心高层框架剪力墙结构设计+CAD图纸
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