    Abstract:The site was originally Beidaihe in Qinhuangdao City rectifier plant transformation. By analyzing the size and geographical environment of the original area, work to transform the residential area, and the construction project market analysis, building vertical analysis, cell layout, environment, landscape, residential and residential apartment and other internal transportation planning and design analysis.
    Qinhuangdao City is one of the earliest open coastal cities, in order to accelerate the development of the city Beidaihe, accelerate the development of tourism in the city, should accelerate the construction industry should travel should live "three should type" urban development concepts, conduct Beidaihe New District development. Beidaihe city development and construction of a new district based on natural ecosystems in the modern service industry as the pillar, the construction of China's leading tourism and leisure resort. In response to Beidaihe District development plan, now the original site were Beidaihe Features Planning and Design.
    Keywords:planning and design, analysis, construction of residential quarters
    摘要    2
    关键词    2
    第一章 绪论    3
    1.1现状概况    3
    1.2用地情况    3
    1.3市场分析    3
    第二章 设计原则    4
    2.1“以人为本”原则    4
    2.2“人与自然”原则    4
    2.3“多样化”原则    4
    第三章 总体布局    5
    第四章 规划设计分析    5
    4.1建筑竖向分析    5
    4.1.1地貌分析    5
    4.1.2地面系统分析    5
    4.1.3地下系统分析    5
    4.2交通道路分析    6
    4.2.1道路原则    6
    4.2.2人车分流    6
    4.2.3出入口    6
    4.2.4停车场    6
    4.3绿化景观分析    7
    4.3.1景观轴线    7
    4.3.2中央绿地    7
    4.3.3局部景观    7
    4.3.4道路景观    7
    4.4住宅户型分析    8
    4.4.1住宅布局要求    8
    4.4.2住宅造型    8
    4.4.3小区户型分析    8
    4.4.4立面造型    10
    第五章 结束语    10
    [参考文献]:    11
    第一章 绪论
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