    摘要:由于建设项目在施工过程中会扰动大量土地、产生大量弃土,从而形成水土流失,甚至破坏周边生态环境。因此,对建设项目进行水土保持研究是必要且迫切的。本文研究了上海申能奉贤热电一期工程的水土保持,研究内容包括项目水土流失预测的内容和方法、水土流失防治方案制定中目标和措施的确定以及水土保持的监测。本文重点在于完成项目建设期水土流失的综合预测,这是通过测量分析项目扰动地表面积、统计挖方弃方体积、使用类比法所得的侵蚀模数计算水土流失量等方法来实现的,经预测可知:本工程建设过程中扰动原地貌的面积共计为 22.94hm2;总开挖量为 9.3 万 m3,弃方 0.66 万 m3;水土流失主要集中在施工期,水土总流失量为 1975t,而水土防治措施主要是工程措施、植物措施、临时措施三者有机结合。在采取合理有效的水土保持措施后,可以有效地防治工程建设带来的水土流失,故不存在水土保持方面的制约因素。因此,从水土保持角度来看,本建设工程是可行的。 56840
    毕业论文关键词: 水土流失;水土保持 
    Study on Soil and water conservation of construction projects
    Abstract:   Since the construction project in the construction process will disturb a large number of land, a large number of abandoned soil, thereby forming water and soil erosion, and even destroy the surrounding ecological environment. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to study the soil and water conservation of construction projects. This paper studies the soil and water conservation in Shanghai Shenneng Fengxian thermoelectric one phase of the project, the research content includes the contents and methods of soil and water loss prediction ,the determination of objectives and measures in the formulation of soil and water loss prevention program  and the monitor of water conservation.This article focuses on completing the comprehensive prediction of soil and water loss in the construction period of the project,which is by measuring and analyzing project perturbation of the surface area,statistics of cut and abandoned volume and calculation of soil and water loss by erosion modulus calculated by the method of analogy the forecast indicates that: the area of the construction process disturbances original topography totaled 22.94hm2; total amount of excavation to 9.3 million m3, discarding 0.66 million m3; soil erosion mainly concentrated in the construction period, the water and soil loss amount for 1975t, and measures for preventing and controlling soil and water mainly is organic combination of engineering measures plant measures, and temporary measures. After taking reasonable and effective measures of soil and water conservation, it can effectively prevent and control the soil and water loss caused by project construction, so there is no restriction factor of soil and water conservation. Therefore, from the point of view of soil and water conservation, this construction project is feasible. 
    Keywords:    soil and water loss;soil and water conservation     


    1 绪论   1 

      1.1 目的与意义  .. 1 

      1.2 研究依据  . 1 

      1.3 水土流失防治的执行标准  .. 1 

      1.4 指导思想与研究原则   2 

        1.4.1 指导思想   2 

        1.4.2 研究原则   2 

      1.5 研究阶段和方案设计水平年   3 

    2 项目概况  .. 3 

      2.1 项目建设的必要性  .. 3 

      2.2 项目组成及布置  . 3 

        2.2.1 项目概况   3 

        2.2.2 工艺流程   6 

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