    摘要近年来,随着经济建设的发展和人口的数量增加,住房建设用地日趋紧张。新建高层建筑越来越高。为了满足抗震等条件的要求,新的结构形式在不断的发展,其中,剪力墙结构就广泛用于高层住宅中。因此,设计高层住宅剪力墙结构就具有极其重要的理论价值和现实意义。本设计为上海馨佳园9号楼高层剪力墙结构住宅楼建筑结构设计,建筑面积约为6000平方米,地下一层,层高2.8m,地上十一层,层高2.9米,总高度37.0米,一梯两户。本设计在确定剪力墙布局之后,先进行了荷载计算,然后采用PKPM进行了建模计算,根据计算结果,进行了剪力墙、楼板得配筋归并,并查看和验算了该结构的剪力墙轴压比,结构周期、振型,结构位移等,设计结果表明:该结构设计合理完整,采用TSSD、morgain等小软件结合手工计算了基础、楼板和楼梯,随后,采用AUTOCAD2008软件进行结构建筑图和施工图绘制。整个结构在设计过程中,严格遵循相关的专业规范的要求,参考相关资料和有关最新的国家标准规范,对设计的各个环节进综合全面的科学性考虑。 34622
    ABSRACT In recent years,housing construction sites increasingly tense with the increase in the number of economic development and population growth. New high-rise buildings is increasing. In order to meet the requirements of seismic and other conditions, the new structure in constant development, where it is widely used in high-rise shear wall structure residence. Therefore, the design high-rise residential shear wall structure on an extremely important theoretical and practical significance. The design for 9# BUILDING OF XINJIA GARDEN COMMUNITY, SHANGHAI, high rise residential building structural design, construction area of about 6,000 square meters, the basement, the height of 2.8m, ten ground floor, the height of 2.9 m, the total height 37.0m, a ladder two. After determining the design of shear wall layout, the first for a load calculation, then use PKPM modeled computing, according to the results, carried out wall, the floor was reinforced merge and view and checking the shear of the structure force wall axial compression ratio, the structure period, vibration mode, structure displacement design results show: the complete design of the structure is reasonable, the use of TSSD, morgain other small software combines manual calculation of the foundation, floors and stairs, and then, using AUTOCAD2008 software architecture building plans and construction drawings. The entire structure in the design process, strictly follow the relevant professional regulatory requirements, refer to relevant information and the latest national standards for all aspects of design into the comprehensive scientific considerations.
     Keywords:Wall Structure;Residential;Tall Buildings;Architectural design;Structural Design;
    摘   要    I
    目录    IV
    第1章    绪论    1
    第2章    建筑设计    2
    2.1 设计依据    2
    2.2设计要求    3
    2.3建筑设计    4
    第3章 结构方案设计    7
    3.1 设计依据    7
    3.2 设计要求    8
    3.3 结构方案    8
    3.4 主要材料    8
    3.5 梁、板、柱截面选择    11
    3.6 竖向荷载计算    12
    第4章结构电算    15
    4.1 PM建筑模型和荷载输入    15
    4.2. SATWE接PM生成SATWE数据    29
    4.3. 结构内力,配筋计算    44
    4.4.分析结果图形和文本显示    57
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