    本设计针对某小区进行了锅炉房设计。在本文中详细阐述了该锅炉房设计的原理和设计依据,计算了锅炉房热负荷、水循环系统及补水系统流量及管径。对锅炉进行了燃料燃烧计算和热平衡计算、烟风阻力计算。计算出了锅炉最大热负荷为10.6MW,锅炉水循环量为158.4t/h,锅炉热损失为17.109%,送风机流量为2.44m3/s,压力为208.03pa引风机流量为2.52 m3/s,压力是6112.46pa以及烟囱高度为45m。根据以上设计及计算结果,本设计给出了由三DZL4.2-0.7/95/70-A型锅炉组成的锅炉房系统,并对风机及泵进行了合理的选择。此外,本锅炉房原水硬度不符合锅炉给水要求,需要进行软化处理。根据补给水流量的计算,本设计选用三台型号为LNN-1200/20的无顶压固定床逆流再生离子交换器。35040
    Design of a Residential Boiler Room.
    Abstract:Boiler plays extremely important role in people's production and life, both residents of heating in winter, hot water of life in the family and hotel, gymnasium, fitness center in the building or factory production provides power and heat, boilers need to provide heat.
    This design for a residential area of the boiler room design. In this paper, the principle and design basis of the boiler room design are described, and the heat load, the water circulating system and the flow rate and the diameter of the boiler are calculated. The calculation of the fuel combustion, the calculation of heat balance and the calculation of the air resistance of the boiler are carried out. Calculate the maximum heat load of boiler 10.6MW,boiler water circulation 158.4t/h, boiler heat loss 17.109%, send flow fan 2.44m3/s pressure 208.03pa cited flow fan is 2.52 m3 / s, the pressure is 6112.46pa and chimney height to 45m. According to the design and calculation results, the boiler room system composed of three DZL4.2-0.7/95/70-A boiler is given, and the reasonable choice of the blower and pump is given. In addition, the boiler room water hardness does not meet the boiler feed water requirements, need to soften the treatment. According to the calculation of the supply water flow, the design of the three models of the LNN-1200/20 no top pressure fixed bed current regeneration ion exchanger.
    Keywords:coal boiler room; water treatment; hydraulic calculation; ventilation system
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1.    课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2.    国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3.    发展趋势    2
    1.4.    本课题的内容    2
    1.5.    调研情况    3
    1.6.    采用的方法    3
    1.7.    文献综述
    2.    锅炉房的设计    4
    2.1.    原始资料    4
    2.1.1.    建筑资料    4
    2.1.2.    热负荷资料    4
    2.1.3.    燃用煤质资料    4
    2.1.4.    所用水质资料    4
    2.2.    锅炉房热负荷的计算    6
    2.3.    锅炉型号的确定    7
    2.4.    锅炉热水循环系统计算    7
    2.4.1.    锅炉热水循环系统计算    7
    2.4.2.    锅炉补水系统计算    9
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