    摘要:    本设计为上海某别墅通风空调制冷工程设计。总空调面积约为295㎡,该建筑一共三层,地下一层地上两层。设置风机盘管加新风系统,空调冷媒为7℃/12℃冷水,由屋面风冷热泵冷水机组提供。风冷冷水机组夏季制冷,冬季制热,水泵房设置在屋面。新风机组不承担室内负荷,设置吊顶式新风换气机组,回收热量,节约能源。新风回风系统采用集中回风系统,各房间门下留0.024mm缝隙渗透回风。新风机组进排风口设置保温密闭阀,防止冬季气温过低冻伤机组。空调水系统由于系统较小,采用干管同程系统。最高点设置排气装置(自动放气阀)。最低点设置泄水阀。35311
    毕业论文关键词:    全空气系统;风机盘管加新风系统;空调水系统;
    Air Conditioning Project of a Villa in Shanghai
    Abstract:     The design of a villa ventilation air conditioning refrigeration engineering design in Shanghai.The total air conditioning area of about 295 square meters, the building a total of three floors, one floor underground and two floors. The air cooling medium of the air conditioning cooling medium is 7℃ for cold water and the cooling water of the roof is provided with the cooling air pump of the roof of the air cooling water pump at 12℃ Air cooling water chiller summer cooling, winter heating, water pump room set up in the roof. Outdoor air unit does not bear indoor load, set up the ceiling style fresh air breathing unit, recycling of heat, save energy.The same return air system with centralized air system, air permeability 0.024mm slot each room under the door. Fresh air inlet and outlet valve closed set insulation, prevent frostbite low winter temperature unit. Due to the system of small air conditioning water system, the same process system is used. The highest point set venting device (automatic bleed valve). The lowest setting drain valve.
    Keywords:    All-air systems;FCU+FA SYSTEM;Air conditioning water system;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    资料采集    1
    1.1    前言    1
    1.2    室外气象参数    1
    1.3    室内设计参数    2
    1.4    土建资料    2
    2    负荷计算    3
    2.1    冷负荷理论根据    3
    2.1.1    房间冷负荷的构成    3
    2.1.2    房间湿负荷的构成    3
    2.1.3    主要计算公式    3
    2.2    冷负荷计算    6
    2.3    冷负荷计算举例    9
    2.4    冷负荷汇总表    12
    3    空调系统方案的确定    14
    3.1    空调水系统的选取    14
    3.2    空调风系统的选取    15
    3.2.1    空调系统的划分原则    15
    3.2.2    方案比较    16
    3.3    系统选择    18
    3.3.1    系统选择说明    18
    3.3.2    新风系统    18
    4    空调设备选择计算    19
    4.1    风机盘管的选择计算    19
    4.1.1    风机盘管加独立新风系统的处理过程以及送风参数计算    19
    4.1.2    风机盘管的选择计算    21
    4.1.3    风机盘管的布置    23
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