
    Fire hydrant water supply system design mainly include indoor and outdoor fire hydrant fire hydrant system for outdoor fire hydrant needs to determine the number of outdoor fire hydrant and water consumption, for indoor fire hydrant system, fire hydrant was used in the design of 65 mm, 19 mm nozzle of water gun, length is 25 m lining with glue and carries on the full water column, fire hydrant water gun nozzle spacing between the protection radius of hydrant pressure hose nozzle spray flow resistance losses hydrant mouth plug pressure required calculation, etc.
    Wet sprinkler system is used in the automatic sprinkler system in accordance with the specification, determine its belong to the dangerous level of class II grade warehouse sprinkler head way, this design USES a rectangle to nozzle design of rooms, each room according to the width and determine the Numbers of sprinkler nozzle location and determine the pipeline layout.
    Automatic fire alarm is a comprehensive fire protection technology, is an important part of modern automatic fire control technology and the emerging technology subject automatic fire alarm system is an important aspect in the design of building fire protection design which involves the automatic fire alarm system the choice of type fire detection method to determine the choice of fire detector systems engineering design consists of several aspects, such as automatic fire alarm system according to the characteristics of the warehouse, choose smoke fire detector, and according to the installation space limit curve figure that the distance between the probe and thus determine placement position.
    Fire danger grade for class B fire extinguisher configuration places serious danger level, each set point matching two portable fire extinguishers MF/ABC4 again according to the actual situation of the warehouse layout fire extinguishers.
    This article for fire control design of a warehouse upgrade project, first of all to its design specification to organize and understand, this design involves the specification of the technical specification for smoke control of building fire protection design specification building automatic sprinkler system design specification and automatic fire alarm system design specifications (workshop) and all kinds of warehouse fire design documents, in this design including fire rating general layout and architectural graphic design and safety evacuation design of indoor and outdoor fire water system design of automatic sprinkler system design fire extinguisher configuration smoke control system design, automatic fire alarm system design using AutoCAD software rendering the building fire protection design, etc, for more than the design content, smoke control system design of fire hydrant
    Key Words:warehouse;Building fire protection design; Fire safety; Fire zone目  录
    0 绪论    1
    0.1 研究背景及意义    1
    0.2 仓库火灾的危险性    1
    0.3 仓库的防火对策    2
    0.4 设计提纲    2
    1设计依据及工程概况    3
    1.1 设计依据    3
    1.2 工程概况    3
    2 建筑物耐火等级    5
    2.1 建筑物耐火等级概述    5
    2.2 仓库的耐火等级    5
    2.2.1 仓库的火灾危险性分类    5
    2.2.2 仓库建筑的耐火等级划分    6
    2.3 确定建筑的分类    7
    3 建筑总平面布置    8
    3.1 建筑总平面布置概述    8
    3.2 防火间距    8
    3.3 消防车道    9
    4.防火分区设计    10
    4.1 防火分区概述    10
    4.2 防火分区的划分    10
    4.3 防烟分区的划分    14
    5 安全疏散设计    16
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