    Architectural and structural design of A building in Hongqiao international commercial office building This design for the Hongqiao international commercial office building A building and structure design, structure type for cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, the ground layer six. Height of 25.2 meters. The total body size is more regular, the body of the rule is not only easy to construct, but also conducive  to structural seismic.
    The main content of the design for the architectural and structural design.Architectural design process mainly includes the design and the construction drawing.
    Structure design process including the structure scheme, structure calculation and structure drawing.Structure calculation structure plan, learn and apply the general building structure design software -- PKPM model, the upper structure of the integral calculation According to the design scheme according to the system icon note drawing construction drawing.According to the calculation results by drawing standard drawing construction drawing.
    Key Words:cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame system; structure design;
    目   录
    1  建筑设计    5
    1.1 设计依据    5
    1.2 设计要求    5
    1.3 办公楼建筑设计    5
    1.3.1 平面设计    6
    1.3.2 柱网布置:    6
    1.3.3 外立面设计:    6
    1.3.4 剖面设计:    6
    1.3.5 交通组织及防火疏散设计:    7
    1.3.6 采光通风:    7
    2  结构方案设计    8
    2.1 设计依据    8
    2.2 设计要求    9
    2.3 结构方案    10
    2.3.1结构选型    10
    2.3.2 结构布置    10
    2.3.3 基础形式    10
    2.4 主要材料    11
    2.4.1材料    11
    2.4.2钢筋接头形式    11
    2.4.3混凝土保护层厚度    11
    2.5 梁、板、柱截面选择    11
    2.6 竖向荷载计算    12
    2.6.1 永久荷载计算    12
    2.6.2 可变荷载统计    13
    3  荷载计算    14
    3.1 竖向恒荷载计算    14
    3.1.1 屋面荷载(上人屋面)    14
    3.1.2 楼面荷载    14
    3.1.5 窗、墙荷载    14
    3.1.3 梁自重    15
    3.1.4 柱自重    15
    3.1.5 窗荷载    15
    3.2 梁上线荷载    15
    4  结构电算    23
    结构电算小结:    52
    5  楼板计算    53
    5.1楼板平面布置    53
    5.2材料选择    53
    5.3荷载及配筋计算    53
    6  楼梯计算    90
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