
    pump, with a preparation, set 3 fire pump adapters.
    Set a fire pond, the effective volume of it is 435m3. Set fire water tank, the effective volume of it is 28m3, no booster facilities.
    The Natural ventilation and smoke exhaust system for the ground open parking garage. The standard floor zooning smokes control area by fixed type smoke wall, smoke control area is not supposed to be bigger than 500m3. Each partition takes the natural ventilation, which provides effective opening window area,which is 2% of the smoke control area. Two smoke-free stair rooms and a fire elevator are equipped.Pressurized air supply system is settled for  smoke proof
    staircase, antechamber, and its common antechamber. The pressurized air supply of the smoke proof staircase is 28200m /h, ten pre pressurized air supply is 12300m/h for common antechamber. The roof pressurization fan should be set up for axial flow fan with fire, staircase fan air volume 31690m no / h, residual pressure 653Pa, 15kw power and noise of 76dB (a), weight 430kg. The air blower room has 16557 m more than 535 Pa /h pressure, power of 7.5 kW, 71 dB noise (A), the weight of 320 kg.
    The automatic alarm system selects smoke-sensing fire-detecting equipment, The building’s protection level is A so as to select centralized alarm system, and set the fire control room. Design choose the smoke detector, every layers pided into two detection unit, detector protection area is 60m2, protection radius is 5.8m. By calculation, the numbers of detectors arranged on the first floor are 26, 29 on the 16th floor,21 on 17th to 18th floor and 68 on the basement.
    Key words: high-rise building; comprehensive office building; fire protection system design; hydrant system; automatic sprinkler system
    目      录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 工程概况    1
    1.2 设计依据的主要规范    1
    1.3 国内外高层建筑消防安全现状及存在的问题    1
    1.3.1 国外高层建筑消防安全现状    2
    1.3.2 国内高层建筑消防安全现状    2
    1.3.3 国内高层建筑消防存在的问题    2
    1.4 高层建筑消防安全防控对策    3
    1.5 设计主要内容    4
    2 建筑总平面布置    5
    2.1 建筑分类和耐火等级判断    5
    2.2 防火间距    5
    2.3 消防车道设计    5
    3 建筑平面防火设计    7
    3.1 防火分区    7
    3.1.1 防火分区的定义及类型    7
    3.1.2 划分防火分区    7
    3.2 防烟分区    8
    3.2.1 防烟分区的定义    8
    3.2.2 防烟分区的划分方法    8
    3.3.3 防烟分区的设置原则    9
    4 安全疏散设计    10
    4.1 安全疏散路线设置    10
    4.2 安全出口的布置    10
    4.3 消防电梯    11
    5 灭火器配置设计    13
    5.1 确定配置场所危险等级与火灾类型及灭火器类型    13
    5.2 计算灭火器设置参数    13
    5.2.1 保护面积的计算    13
    5.2.2 计算单元所需最低灭火级别    14
    5.2.3 确定灭火器设置点数与位置    15
    5.2.4 灭火器设置点最小需配灭火级别计算    15
    5.2.5 确定灭火器的规格和数量    16
    5.3 灭火级别验算    17
    6.消火栓给水系统设计计算    19
    6.1 室外消火栓布置    19
    6.1.1 室外消火栓的用水量    19
    6.1.2 室外消火栓数量的确定    20
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