    Planning text prepared for a regional sewage collection system3design
    Abstract:Water resources are important natural and environmental resources, it is   essential to human and nothing can replace it. It helps to maintain social progress, and is the key of the sustainable development of the national economy. Solve the problem3of water resources and water environment has increasingly become important issues facing humanity. The city sewage system3design is a professional planning of the urban planning of drainage works. Is also an important component of the city drainage in the project plans . The combined effects of the urban sewage system3can not be substituted by any methods .
    With the consideration of geography,environment and weather in the region about this design,I figure out that sewage collection include three main ways.And determine the pipeline alignment.Again according to the design date to the design discharge of sewage mains. At the same time the use of hydraulic calculation table for hydraulic calculation, and finally the design of the data for statistical processing, draw the design drawing.
    KEY  WORD: Sewer system; Pipe diameter; Design flow
    上海某区域污水收集系统规划文本编制    2
    Planning text prepared for a regional sewage collection system3design    2
    目录    3
    1 绪论    5
    1.1选题背景    5
    1.1.1、我国水资源和水环境现状    5
    1.1.2、我国城市污水处理现状及面临的问题    5
    1.2课题意义    8
    1.2.1 污水规划的必要性    8
    1.2.2南汇区污水规划编制的必要性    8
    2.项目基本情况    9
    2.1 编制依据    9
    2.2设计范围    9
    2.3设计原则    9
    2.4采用规范、规定    9
    2.5设计标准    10
    2.6.给排水现状    11
    2.6.1、给水现状    11
    2.6.2、污水现状    11
    2.6.3、污水及收纳水体水质状况    15
    3.污水量的预测    16
    3.1.综合生活污水量的预测    16
    3.2.工业废水量预测    18
    3.3.规划污水量    20
    4.污水系统规划    21
    4.1污水系统规划    21
    4.1.1、污水规划方案提出由来    21
    4.1.2、方案介绍    21
    4.1.3、方案论证    22
    4.2.污水收集系统规划    25
    4.2.1.惠南城区污水收集系统规划    25
    4.2.2.周浦城区污水收集系统规划    26
    4.2.3.航头镇污水收集系统规划    27
    4.2.4.滨海旅游度假区污水收集系统规划    27
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