    摘  要近10年来,我国住宅市场发展过于迅猛,即使在国家各种调控手段下,房价依然高涨不止。然而在2014年伊始,全国房地产市场出现销售大幅度萎缩,这次与以往不同,没有调控政策情况下,市场自然反应,导致增速下滑。因此,当房地产投资开发不再那么随意轻松时,房地产行业平均利润的降低,市场热度的降低,就越发体现出科学合理项目定位的重要性。
    In recent 10 years, the market in the real estate of our country has been much prosperity. Even if it is decelerated by National various control means, the average price of real estate is still rising. However, when just entered the year of 2014, the market of real estate had shrunk dramatically. Surprisingly, it was a natural action of market with no national control means, and the economic growth had slowed that year. So, when real estate investment is not too easy to do, and it has lower profits, the market is no longer a hot spot. The people will pay more attention to the positioning research of commercial residence development project.
    Therefore, the paper introduces some theories about the positioning research of commercial residence development project firstly. And then, the problems or the defects of property developers in project positioning are discussed. Thirdly, the paper introduces the reasonable positioning process, and lists the examples of evidence. Collecting the relevant information from the market research, and then use these information to the specific aspects of the positioning. Finally, making Xin Yang Heng Da Ming Du as the case, and using the process in its development process. Through combining theories and practices, to make the positioning research of commercial residence development project residence development project.
    Key Words: commercial residence development project,research positioning
    1绪论    1
    1.1选题背景    1
    1.2研究意义    1
    1.3研究内容及思路    2
    2商品住宅开发项目定位理论与方法    3
    2.1商品住宅开发项目定位的相关概念与理论基础    3
    2.2商品住宅开发项目定位的模式介绍    4
    2.3商品住宅开发项目定位的分析方法    6
    3商品住宅开发项目定位的问题缺陷    8
    3.1市场定位的主体发生偏差    8
    3.2对定位概念理解有一定偏差    8
    3.3缺乏支撑的模糊定位    9
    3.4模仿和跟风现象严重,创新性不足    9
    3.5偏重国家政策,没有真正提高项目的“附加值”    10
    4市场调研——商品住宅开发项目定位的前奏    11
    4.1内外部环境分析    11
    4.2区域市场分析    13
    5商品住宅开发项目定位内容    16
    5.1客户定位    16
    5.2产品定位    19
    5.3形象定位    21
    5.4价格定位    23
    5.5目标市场定位    25
    6案例分析——信阳恒大名都项目定位    28
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