    设计总说明暖通空调的方案设计对图书馆的室内环境情况有着极为重要的影响。 图书馆暖通空调方案的设计,以此作为大学城建学院-建筑环境与能源应用工程等专业学生的毕业设计课题,不仅既具备普遍适应性,对暖通空调的设计也有其特殊性[1]。合理的图书馆设计,不仅要求建筑体型美观,设施齐全,而且要求室内有较舒适的热、湿环境。各个阅读区和休息区还要满足各类读者的需要。在国家相应节能减排政策的实施下,也相应提高了暖通空调系统的节能设计要求[2]。因此,暖通空调在图书馆建筑中具十分重要的地位。学科要求,按照年度气象条件,对图书馆建筑的暖通空调进行设计,计划的设计应符合设计规范和技术措施(包括专业设计规范、防火设计规范、节能设计标准和技术措施)。设计的方案必须结合工程所在地区场所的自然地理环境、功能及使用特征,满足各项节能和环保的要求,用以改善图书馆建筑的室内空气品质,为学生、老师以及工作人员等供应出健全、实用、安全和高效充分的利用空间[3]。设计方案要求反映区域特色、专业特色和学科特点,并提出具有先进性的知识概况点。本次设计的大致内容主要包括空调冷热负荷计算、 空调方案确定和选型及新风系统计算选型、建筑防排烟设计等项目。本图书馆由大堂、各类书库、阅读区、办公室、会议中心和设备用房等部分组成,经计算,夏季总冷负荷指标为 144.86 2W/m 。图书馆是非常重要的公共建筑,房间多, 功能复杂,人员众多,纸制品数量数不胜数,一旦发生火灾损失巨大。本图书馆总高度为 27米,属于多层建筑,参考《建筑设计防火规范》(GBJ16-87)和《高层民用建筑防火规范》(GB50045-95),重点区域均设立防排烟系统,大于二十米的内走道、大于 100 2m 的无窗房间均应设置机械排烟系统[4]。通往地下层的封闭楼梯间,当无对外开窗条件时,设置独立的正压送风系统。在失火发生时确保有 50Pa 正压值的防烟楼梯间。正压送风机设置在每层的机房内。有外窗的可以自然排烟的封闭楼梯间,每 5个楼层可以打开的外窗面积不可以少于 2 2m 。通过对工程的设计,加深对建筑空调专业知识的理解,掌握空调风管、水管的选择和布置,熟练运用相关制图技能,领会本专业领域科学研究的基本方法,培养独立剖析难题的能力、办理实际难题的各方面工作技巧,为走出校园后从事暖通专业工作打下坚定的基础。41839
    Design General DescriptionThe HVAC scheme design has a very important role in the library indoor environment.
    Theproject design of the HVAC system of the library is a graduation project for the studentsmajoring in the construction environment and energy application engineering in Colleges anduniversities. Reasonable library design, not only requires the construction of a beautiful, fullyequipped, but also requires a comfortable thermal and environment. Each reading area and restarea should meet the needs of all kinds of readers. In the implementation of the national energysaving and emission reduction policies, the energy saving design requirements of HVACsystem are improved accordingly. Therefore, the HVAC system in the library building has avery important position.Subject to the requirements in accordance with the annual climate weather conditions tomake the library building HVAC design scheme, programs should be designed in accordancewith the design specifications and technical measures of requirements (including professionaldesign specifications, code for fire protection design, energy-saving design specifications andtechnical measures). Design should be combined with local natural geographical environment,function and characteristics of, meet energy saving and environmental protection requirements,improve the indoor air quality of library construction, provides the health for the students,teachers and staff, applicable, safe and efficient use of space. The design scheme requirementsreflect the regional characteristics, professional characteristics and subject characteristics, andthe knowledge points should be advanced.This design mainly includes the calculation of air-conditioning cooling and cooling load, airconditioning cold and heat source design, air conditioning scheme determination and systemhydraulic calculation, building smoke control design and other projects. The library from thelobby, all kings of library, reading areas, offices, conference center and equipment space part,through calculation, summer cooling load index for 144.86 2W/m .Because the match field area and the auditorium area belong to a large space, the airconditioning system adopts the centralized full air system.The match field area diffuser sends the wind, the audience seats area air vents to send thewind; in addition, considering the competition field to carry on the table tennis, the badmintonmatchMatch the requirements of the wind speed, air conditioning system using variable frequency.For the auxiliary room and equipment room air conditioning design, designAn air conditioning system program: VRV multi link unit.The selection of cold and heat sources not only includes the system requirements, but alsoinvolves the energy structure, price, policy guidance.Considering the use of buildings, all kinds of cold water aircrew performance andcharacteristics, facilities (water, heat and power), energy prices, initial investment, operationmanagement fees, and Xi'an city heating methods in the central heating, in the careful study anddetermine optimal thermal coefficient of the premise, the design in children's readingperiodicals reading, circulating library, readers hall open space region of cold and heat sourceselection 2 typhoon cooled screw type heat pump units with three sets of frozen watercirculation pump. In the office, special reading room and other regional cold and heat sourceselection frequency, variable refrigerant flow (VRV) air conditioning unit.Library is a very important public buildings, multi room, complex functions, many people,countless number of paper products, in the event of fire loss is huge. The stadium with a totalheight of 27m, belongs to the multi-storey buildings, refer to the "code for fire protection designof buildings" (gbj16-87) and the "senior civil building code for fire protection.Key areas are set smoke control system, more than 20m in the aisle, more than 100 squaremeters of no room window are set mechanical smoke exhaust system. A separate positivepressure air supply system is arranged between the closed stair of the underground layer and thecondition of opening the window. When the fire occurs to ensure that the smoke proof staircasebetween the positive pressure value of 50Pa. Positive pressure blower is set on the roof. Thereis a natural smoke outside the window of the closed staircase, each 5 floors can be openedoutside the area of not less than 2 square meters.Through the design of the project, deepen understanding of building air-conditioningprofessional , master air, the selection and the layout of the pipe, proficiency in use of drawingskills related , understand the basic methods of scientific research in the professional field,culture independent analysis of issues, solving problems ability, after engaged in HVACprofessional work to lay a solid foundation.
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