


    现拟定建成一座日平均处理污水为10万m3的污水处理厂,主要接纳城镇居民生活污水及工厂排水,生活污水约占70%,污水出水需达到以下排放指标:CODcr:≤60mg/L, BOD5:≤20mg/L,SS:≤20mg/L,NH3-N:≤15mg/L,pH:6~9 ,P:≤1mg/L。


    本设计采用卡鲁塞尔氧化沟工艺。污水经缺氧、好氧交替运行,去除有机物的同时,还能脱氮和除磷。该工艺具有工艺流程短、处理效果好、出水水质稳定、剩余污泥少、运行管理方便、运行费用低的特点。出水水质严格执行《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)中一级B标准。

    毕业论文关键字: 城市生活污水;卡鲁塞尔氧化沟;构筑物计算

    Treatment of Urban Domestic Wastewater in Use of Oxidation Ditch

    General instructions on design: Water is the source of life and the necessity for human survival. In the history of human development, water always plays the most important role either in the past, present or in the future and is the foundation of the agriculture and modern industry. But along with the change of time, the progress of mankind civilization and the development of society, the pollution of water resource is increasingly becoming more and more serious, which means that the availability of water to human beings is becoming less and less. It is because human consciousness of protecting water resource is not strong enough and they do not feel the serious shortage of water resource, the government need to let people thoroughly know the importance of water resource and put more emphasis on construction of sewage treatment plant to ease the shortage of water in our country and the whole world.

    This design targets at treatment of urban domestic wastewater in use of oxidation ditch. The main task is to select the proper plan and technique according to the water quality and the amount of the use of water, to calculate the primary structure, to draw the general plan, process flow chart and the corresponding construction drawings, and to compose directions for the design.      

    Now it is proposed to build the wastewater treatment plant which can be able to process 100,000m3/day. The wastewater consists of 70% town residents living sewage and 30% plant drainage. The effluent water quality needs to reach the following emission targets: CODcr:≤60mg/L, BOD5:≤20mg/L,SS:≤20mg/L,NH3-N:≤15mg/L,pH:6~9 ,P:≤1mg/L.

  1. 上一篇:Carrousel氧化沟处理生活污水工艺设计+图纸
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