

    结合本工程地质、环境、挖深等诸多因素确定安全可靠的支护方案;为基坑土方开挖和地下室施工创造一个安全干燥的施工环境;考虑到邻近坑边有建筑和道路(下设有水、电、气等管线),为确保安全,以“变形”控制设计。本着“安全可靠、经济合理、技术可行、施工方便”原则,整个基坑采用一排钻孔灌注桩作挡土结构, 钢支撑作为支撑结构体系。基坑四周采用深层搅拌桩作止水帷幕。基坑内采用喷射井点降水+集水坑排水。




    The project is located in Suzhou Industrial Park Nanshi Street and Wangdun Road intersection northwest corner, where the west side and the north side are both river. What’s more, here is the financial district of the Suzhou Industrial Park. The foundation pit area is approximately 16000 square meters, circumference is about 520 meters. Basement is in the east side of the foundation pit, with a outside line approximately 5.2 to 10.2 meters far from the red line. Outside the red line is Nanshi Street. The outside line of the southern basement is about 5.7 to 6.4 meters far from the red line, out of which is Wangdun Road. The outside line of the western basement is about 5.2 to 9.1 meters far from the red line, out of which is Center River. The outside line of the northern basement is 5.1 meters far from the red line, out of which is Center River. The planned object is consist of a 22-story (partly 15-story )main building with three-story basement , a 4 or 5 story podium and a three-story basement linked to it.

    Considering of the geologic environment, excavation depth of the foundation pit, to create an safe and dry surroundings for the earth work and basement, we carry out the design in control of displacement deformation, in order to keep  main traffic roads and buildings safe and to protect pipelines of water, electricity and coal gas below the surface well. According with fundamental technical standard, approaching safe reliability, the economical-reasonable and convenient construction and guaranteeing project time limit,we use nondisplacement piles as retaining structure, anchor rod bracing and inclined steel pipe bracing as bracing structures.Around the foundation pit, we use deep churning piles as detaining water pile construct enclosed cut off trench. With the purpose of dewatering, we use sump and well point.

    The design of the support system includes selection, building envelope calculation of the strength and deformation calculation, the stability of the soil inside and outside the computing fileld, seepage calcuiation,precipitation,computer cherck ,construction design. Construction design includes the reduction, the specific construction of the drainage method, earth excavation and concrete construction method plan, foundation excavation should pay attention to some of the problems and emergency measures.

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