
    摘要基坑支护工程的设计与施工,既要保证整个支护结构在施工过程中的安全,又要控制结构和周围土体变形,以保证周围环境(相邻建筑物和地下公共设施等) 的安全。本论文以拟建北京太阳宫C区办公楼为基础,进行基坑支护设计为研究内容。拟建建筑物下设四层地下车库,开挖深度21m,采用ø800密排钻孔灌注桩,加锚杆支护,即采用锚拉式钻孔灌注桩支护方案,主要从以下几方面进行研究:49803








    Foundation pit bracing engineering design and construction, both must guarantee the supporting structure in the construction process of safety, and to control the structure and soil deformation to ensure around surrounding environment (adjacent buildings and underground public facilities) safety. This topic research content for the “The office building ofBeijing Sun Palace C Area foundation pit” supporting design originalities . Proposed buildings under a layer of four underground garages, excavation depth 21 m, I am going to use ø800 closely spaced piles, plus bolting, the use of anchored pile support programs.I will design it mainly from the following  aspects:

    1.To design support structure and to select bored in the form of additional bolting;

    2.To calculate earth pressure (using Rankine earth pressure theory, the theory of limit equilibrium of soil, earth pressure calculation method obtained, also known as ultimate stress method), to calculate pile and bolting (piles are calculated using the equivalent beam, while the reinforcement of the pile; bolt main calculation to calculate the free section and anchoring the length);

    3.To calculate excavation stability,including the overall stability checking, checking the stability of deep slip, retaining wall at the end bearing capacity of foundation piles, etc;

    4.To design and calculate precipitation,using ditch set puddle drainage way ;

    5.To design organization of construction.

    Keywords:  Foundation pit supporting;Cast-in-place pile;Bolting suppor 


    摘   要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 V

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 选题的目的和意义 1

    1.2 深基坑发展的现状 1

    1.3 基坑工程设计中存在的问题 3

    1.3.1 结构选型的不合理 3

    1.3.2 基坑工程结构设计时的土压力确定 3

    第二章 太阳宫C区办公楼基坑支护设计综合 4

    2.1 工程概况 4

    2.2 场地工程地质和水文地质条件 5

    2.2.1 岩土地层结构及其特征 5

    2.2.2 水文地质条件 7

    2.3 支护方案初步设计

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